
I must say, the whole p.u thing was a success

I mean, ea needs to figure a way to control training and make it steady, but I liked it better than m18. Also, now that I understand how the market will work, I’ll have a ton of fun investing next year. Alt currency and rerolling was fun for me


they did a good job this year. bypassing ltd's was awesome. they ability for everyone to have a chance at every card was great for everyone.


Quote from baynit1 >> Quote from mjhhawk >> I think it  made the cards OP along with Red chems.  It felt like everyone's teams were about a month or two ahead of where they were last year.  To me this affected gameplay as it just seems like a much better game when everyone's teams are not all 97's and above.  It also affected EA's solos and promos - as more often than not the rewards just weren't worth the grind because the players in the rewards were already not useable.


The totality of the changes allowed us to make nearly any player fit our theme teams. While pricey they are optional.

The big FU was OP'ing chems so our teams peaked WAY too soon leaving many bored and out earlier than ever.


I liked the concept this year, but thought it fell short in certain areas:

  • powering down penalty too great
  • no way of knowing where power up passes were used
  • only certain players got power ups
  • couldn’t change jersey number or positionI would set it up so that every player’s base card was their power up and you could select from all the jersey numbers, positions, and teams that the player has represented over their career. Player upgrades will always be a dice-roll but at least you could rock a theme team from the start of the game since this would greatly increase the number of players with each team’s chemistry.

Quote from mjhhawk >> I think it  made the cards OP along with Red chems.  It felt like everyone's teams were about a month or two ahead of where they were last year.  To me this affected gameplay as it just seems like a much better game when everyone's teams are not all 97's and above.  It also affected EA's solos and promos - as more often than not the rewards just weren't worth the grind because the players in the rewards were already not useable.

And the whole Alt currency thing - yikes.  That was a mess.

yeah the alt currencies was nearly a deal breaker for me....  Clearly an attempt to reduce your resources..  Then they stopped, hopefully we don't see them again in 20..


Quote from rthompson79 >> Quote from TacoFalcon >> Yeah, I loved what they did with PU cards. Makes the game more fun to play because knowing your card could be different than someone else's card adds a type of customization and unpredictability that this game needed. There can be improvements definitely to PU, but I love it.

 I mostly need a 99 Matty Ice, Deion Jones, and Alex Mack right now for improvements!


Quote from TacoFalcon >> Yeah, I loved what they did with PU cards. Makes the game more fun to play because knowing your card could be different than someone else's card adds a type of customization and unpredictability that this game needed. There can be improvements definitely to PU, but I love it.

 I mostly need a 99 Matty Ice, Deion Jones, and Alex Mack right now for improvements!


Yeah, I loved what they did with PU cards. Makes the game more fun to play because knowing your card could be different than someone else's card adds a type of customization and unpredictability that this game needed. There can be improvements definitely to PU, but I love it.


Quote from iinvaliid >> I definitely did not agree with having to use coins to power down players.  That needs to go away.

 It’s nessicary. Kinda. They just miscalculated the tp this year. If u didn’t lose any tp or coins. Then all cards would be “free” to use. Kinda like now p, how I’m playing the 99 Pu pass game. I try every 99. It cost 35k per. That’s fair to me. Only thing I wish, is you could exchange a card that u used a Pu pass on


Loved the PU program. As previously stated loved the LTD bypass. You just wait a week and chalk up some TP for that breaking the bank or chasing LTD cards in packs. I also like using some of the PU's early in the season. I used Dieon's PU when it was first offered and when his finished card became affordable bought it then to upgrade.


I definitely did not agree with having to use coins to power down players.  That needs to go away.


Quote from troublemagnet71 >> The PU program was okay except for the powering down penalties and the fact that not all cards were able to get to 99, some you had to wait months for like Page and Neal.

 bro your gif is annoying af lmao


in general, I like the PU program. (a) It also gives you an alternative on LTD upgrade (which is a big saver); (b) team chemistry for theme team such that we only focus on our favorite team instead of picking up the best-of-best.  I just wish more PU cards - for example Veteran card and Flashback should automatically get to choose team chemistry as those players do play for multiple teams.


Quote from Gord0 >> Quote from lacedup18 >> I mean, ea needs to figure a way to control training and make it steady, but I liked it better than m18. Also, now that I understand how the market will work, I’ll have a ton of fun investing next year. Alt currency and rerolling was fun for me

 I still can't figure out the market


Quote from Bones939 >> Cool idea but not implemented right imo. The fact you have to pay to power them down and loose half your tp is utter bs. You already bout the card and tp you should not loose half the tp and have to pay to power them down. Just another way EA gets you to sink your coins. 

 I totally agree with this


Cool idea but not implemented right imo. The fact you have to pay to power them down and loose half your tp is utter bs. You already bout the card and tp you should not loose half the tp and have to pay to power them down. Just another way EA gets you to sink your coins.

I liked it quite a bit as well


Success for EA. Once the mid 90's started dropping, you got the same abilities that were exclusive to PU's without powering up the player from scratch. Although it looked better then M18, I still never had more than 5 at any time.

34 man squad. Non theme team. 98 Overall. 13 players at 99 right now. 21 players at 97 or 98. All those posts telling you we needed a 99 punter to get to 99 was, as usual here, misinformed. 

Sitting on millions of coins for a RP program that had 1st round no where near the 2018 NFL Draft. Most likely just do what I did in 17 and give crap away 500 coins at a time.


Yeah buying the new current card was always a coin sink


Quote from lacedup18 >> I mean, ea needs to figure a way to control training and make it steady, but I liked it better than m18. Also, now that I understand how the market will work, I’ll have a ton of fun investing next year. Alt currency and rerolling was fun for me

 I still can't figure out the market