Quote from donthavethetime >> Awesome guys both questions seem to be good news. Appreciate you all.
Glad you got your answers! Hope mahomes works out for you!
NAT 93 Mahomes goes into his power up.
Both 94 TD Lott -and- 95 Legend Lott allow you to get x3 49ers team chem.
You can add the x3 to Lott only for the 49ers, need to click on the team after adding the card to the PU and selecting the x3 option vs x1 (10TP)
Make sure to go into the team select and add on the x3 chem. It doesn't automatically add it on the card.
I can confirm that the 93 does goes into his set cant say anything about Lott tho
I believe the 93 Mahomes goes into his PU. Lott, I know for sure you can add either one to get x3 chem. He is great!