Quote from Wicked_Shadows_666 >> Best advice straight up is to take notes while playing! Have a pen and paper beside you and pause the game whenever you notice something of note. Especially in the first couple of hours of play. This is because it's all exciting and new so if something strange happens in the first quarter you'll forget about it by the 4th when something even stranger happens!!!
Be as detailed as possible about what you see and obviously attempt to recreate it in the next game. Thats how devs get really solid feedback!!!
Remember this is OUR game, this is testing something many of us will spend a year playing so let's do our best to have our voices heard so we can enjoy the next year ya feel me!!!
Honestly if you get disconnects, etc, I wouldn't complain about that. I'd provide constructive feedback about actual mechanics of the game, not the status of the servers.
Quote from Gotitans3 >> I’m assuming yelling at them on twitter but I could be wrong
I would fully expect plenty of that to occur and I hope that it is promptly ignored
Quote from Gotitans3 >> I’m assuming yelling at them on twitter but I could be wrong
lol sounds solid :D
Thanks for the link guys. Still says no access, maybe once its up and running itll be available
Best advice straight up is to take notes while playing! Have a pen and paper beside you and pause the game whenever you notice something of note. Especially in the first couple of hours of play. This is because it's all exciting and new so if something strange happens in the first quarter you'll forget about it by the 4th when something even stranger happens!!!
Be as detailed as possible about what you see and obviously attempt to recreate it in the next game. Thats how devs get really solid feedback!!!
Remember this is OUR game, this is testing something many of us will spend a year playing so let's do our best to have our voices heard so we can enjoy the next year ya feel me!!!
I found this - Madden NFL 20 closed beta
Maybe I can log in once the beta is open tomorrow after I've started the game
I believe this is what they got so far https://www.ea.com/games/madden-nfl/madden-nfl-20/beta
I just haven't been able to access it because I forgot my password to my mutrewards -.- gg
Check it out and let us know.
So a lot of us have a code, but what is the best avenue to provide feedback to EA? Hopefully some bugs can be found and worked out