I got bored as i had Wagner for a long while. Took Jones and hes an awesome user (i havent left him alone as of yet as i was still "trying him out") not only great against pass i've got a few fumbles caused by him too!
I have him cuz I had a 98 p.u pass. He isn’t that good for me. Safety at mlb ruined it for me. I mean, why would you user him over st
Gutfoxx was using him yesterday and from the gameplay he looked pretty awesome, Foxx was able to cover a lot of the field when usering him and when he was non user, he got some great animations. But the player that really stood out was DRC 2 pick 6's
He's exactly what you expect him to be, great user, solid non user coverage backer, does a decent job getting around blocks but struggles if the blocker gets hands on him, feels similar to shazier as a user or a very slightly better Devin white, although when Pu having a 2nd red ability definitely pushes him above white. Jones vs Edmunds is the m19 version of the m17 and m18 shazier vs Barr/mcginnist argument of height vs speed.
I don't have much of a review at this point because he's still fresh in my line-up and I haven't had a chance to play H2H with him. (Against the CPU, he was all over the place - but I don't really play the CPU in coverage.)
Nonetheless, I completed his token set yesterday and powered him up. With Madden and sprinter chems, he's at 99 speed. I also have top tier LD chem on him to boost man and zone. On paper, he's an upgrade to Devin White, who I had used in nickel packages since he came out with the Draft promo. (FWIW, the moment Deion was announced, people started dumping White in the AH...) Better speed (+1), coverage, and catch (with aggressive trait, too). My main hesitation was blockshed (PU Wagner is better, here), but with LT and VM on the edge, I really don't need to worry about blitzing him. All said, I bumped him up to my no. 1 mlb ahead of Shazier, Roquan, and Wagner. Devin White may be on his way to TP if I don't sell in the AH.
FWIW, at this point, what are we really saving for? If you have a few mil stashed for RP, I'd say go for it, especially if you can build his set rather than pay 300k+ in the AH. Then again, look at who you're using your 98 PU pass on. You can likely get that card in the AH cheaper than Deion, and use the PUP on the classic card.
I like him I mean he’s a user mostly but 99 speed is easy to get.
But hes he’s not gonna be all that much better at anything. Anything over 95 is just to make you feel better.
i currently have him powered up to 96 and he’s too slow to compete with my other guys.my question is can he hold his own fully powered up?is it even worth spending 320k at this point in the game?is he better than LVE in man coverage?is he better than Eddie Jackson in man coverage?