
Best way to get rookie premiere collectibles?

I stopped playing MUT like 4 months ago but I got back on today and did the solos to get one rookie premiere player so I have one collective left over and 400k to work with. Is it possible for me to get 9 more collectibles with 400k and if so, how?


I stopped playing MUT like 4 months ago but I got back on today and did the solos to get one rookie premiere player so I have one collective left over and 400k to work with. Is it possible for me to get 9 more collectibles with 400k and if so, how?


Quote from jaybird13 >> Buy the 25k RP packs.


Quote from trewafszdcvxbnhj >> Quote from jaden2ellis >> I stopped playing MUT like 4 months ago but I got back on today and did the solos to get one rookie premiere player so I have one collective left over and 400k to work with. Is it possible for me to get 9 more collectibles with 400k and if so, how?

 also pm me, that stuff you have (MHC) ill trade you a draft 94 Montez sweat for some of it, that will give you some draft tokens


Quote from jaden2ellis >> I stopped playing MUT like 4 months ago but I got back on today and did the solos to get one rookie premiere player so I have one collective left over and 400k to work with. Is it possible for me to get 9 more collectibles with 400k and if so, how?

 also pm me, that stuff you have (MHC) ill trade you a draft 94 Montez sweat for some of it, that will give you some draft tokens


create farm accounts and do the solos and get the packs then trade them over to your main


grinding, should get a pack of tokens hopefully also to start off, but grind your ass off, and keep making elite tokens, also if you have draft cards exchange them for tokens, but at least come away with 2-3 by july 23, you could do it if you grind.  Ive been playing every other sat and maybe 2 hrs during the work week since nov and did 5 and im not even buying 20, so your good


Buy the 25k RP packs.