
Biggest reason I believe DDA is in the game.

Speaking from MUT Draft standpoint.

I have drafted some of the most loaded teams imaginable and of the 13 championships won in the last 4 months when I picked up doing it, I have maybe won 1 champ of those 13. The rest were average to below average drafts, its actually come to a point now where the less stellar the draft is, the further you can go into the 6 games to win it all. In drafting loaded teams where high quality players come up has done nothing but cause a mass amount of bs in the games against ANY opponent where the entire team just does nothing or very little.

While I dont think DDA is a component that happens every game, it happens once in a while, it's usually not even about the Xs and O's at that point.




Speaking from MUT Draft standpoint.

I have drafted some of the most loaded teams imaginable and of the 13 championships won in the last 4 months when I picked up doing it, I have maybe won 1 champ of those 13. The rest were average to below average drafts, its actually come to a point now where the less stellar the draft is, the further you can go into the 6 games to win it all. In drafting loaded teams where high quality players come up has done nothing but cause a mass amount of bs in the games against ANY opponent where the entire team just does nothing or very little.

While I dont think DDA is a component that happens every game, it happens once in a while, it's usually not even about the Xs and O's at that point.