I always meant to cancel it, but five dollars a month isn't really noticeable on my account. It's awesome though because you get a discount on any micro transaction on any ea game.
Quote from iinvaliid >> Thank you for reminding me to cancel my EA access.
You’re welcome..?
Quote from The_Matural >> You can use 30 hours same account, yes? Wasn’t there a way on Xbox to do that? Just open up your other account? Hope it works like that on PS4 also
Yea it will all be played on my main. You just log in with the account that has it then switch to main through the madden screen with the select button, or whatever you young guys call it now a days.
You can use 30 hours same account, yes? Wasn’t there a way on Xbox to do that? Just open up your other account? Hope it works like that on PS4 also
I have it on 2 accounts already so yea I’ll fool with it then and probably play it with a 3rd account. So 30 hours is what they got to absolutely wow me. Put a smile on my face while I play or I’m done.
I am going in with 100% scrutiny and If I absolutely love it I might buy it but they haven’t made a fun game in 4 years.
Are the people staying on 19 getting EA Access to try Mut 20? You know, pay the $5 and then cancel. And what if you like it? Are you gonna buy it or hold out til 21? Just curious if at least you’ll try it out
Are the people staying on 19 getting EA Access to try Mut 20? You know, pay the $5 and then cancel. And what if you like it? Are you gonna buy it or hold out til 21? Just curious if at least you’ll try it out