Posted by wuskillz wuskillz β€’ 5 years, 8 months ago

M20 Core Rookie Master?

Do you thinks there a Core Rookie Master in M20?  The M19 version was dope because you got an 88 Barkley if you did hid Rp.  If so, who do you think it will be?  I am guessing Kyler since he has the most hype like Barkley received last year.


If I had to pick I'd say Murray. But could be Bosa/Williams too. We'll find out soon enough I hope!


I just hope it is one of the four i managed to build as it sure helps when intending to be very little money spent (NMS except for level packs probably).  I don't think QB is likely but that said, ddnt they give out a Wentz as a campaign reward this year(?) which for some nuts like me is a day one reward... so its not out of the realm of possibility to get an upgraded qb card that a lot of people have easy access to.  I think it might depend a loton what position they want for level master, although this year we had a HB and Barkley as rookie master... I've realised it's too hard to discern... I just hope it's Murray, Jacobs, Bosa or WIlliams.


Murray or bosa, id say Murray cause he most likely won't see a ton of upgrades throughout the year with such a limited team around him


^ Whoever it is, most will be running around with them


If it’s Murray, we will be all running around with him, that would actually be a bit boring.


I know Murray is the popular pick, but I think Williams will have the best year out of all the rookies. I could see him get 12+ sacks. If EA fills the same way as me, I could see him getting it.


Murray, or Bosa i would say


I kind of hope it isn’t Murray - more fun to see if he has good weeks and gets ToTW cards. Bosa would be cool.


Murray would be dope. I assume defense this year. Probably Devin Bush. Good user for the start.


I’m in for Murray also


A 86-88 kyler would be so awesome to start the year


Quote from l3wisit3 >> I doubt they bring this back, but would be cool if they did. Murray or Bosa are probably the only guys in the running. 

 That's a nice ovr bump you got der πŸ‘€


I doubt they bring this back, but would be cool if they did. Murray or Bosa are probably the only guys in the running.


murray i hope


Quote from Chance809 >> Quote from longharedntcar3 >> Really not sure if it'd come back but I'd say Murray  

 I agree. IF it comes back, I say Murray.

 Aight.. That's 2 mhcs bruh πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Š


Quote from longharedntcar3 >> Really not sure if it'd come back but I'd say Murray  

 I agree. IF it comes back, I say Murray.


I'd say Murray too


Really not sure if it'd come back but I'd say Murray


Do you thinks there a Core Rookie Master in M20?  The M19 version was dope because you got an 88 Barkley if you did hid Rp.  If so, who do you think it will be?  I am guessing Kyler since he has the most hype like Barkley received last year.