
Bugs noticed in EA Access

this might be better served in the EA Feedback section, but that place is a ghost land. Have you guys found anything glitchy or bugged out so far? Hopefully this is like the beta and they can hammer some stuff out with the first patch

something that’s been happening to me, after nearly every TD scored, before your guy celebrates, he warps to a different spot in the end zone at hyper speed. Funny at first but now it’s just annoying.

and the second thing might need verified by someone else because i feel crazy for it, but i noticed in the gameplay or coaching tips (whatever that pops up while playing) it’s giving out incorrect info. I swear I saw that it said double tap LB for defensive line adjustments (left on the d pad now) and also noticed it said click LS to pump fake (double tap receiver icon now) 

if that that one is true... wow... changing the controls on us but not the prompts telling how to do them. Lol

you guys noticed anything?

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