
It's not to late for MUT rewards free codes!

this was posted today by EA to clarify what's going on. MUT rewards will be giving them out all weekend through twitter and it looks like they'll be checking your status and sending out DM's but you do have to send them a tweet with a screenshot of your rewards status, CONSOLE, and the #Madden20.  I haven't won but it doesn't mean you won't, keep trying and good luck. 

From Kraelo "Hey Madden Fans,

We are nearly ready to kickoff the Madden NFL 20 season starting on August 2nd! You can get in 3 days early via a pre-order and of course with EA Access now on PS4 too!

One of the main questions we have heard is about free/early copies for legendary status via Madden Rewards last season. Will there be physical copies delivered in the mail or an email that goes out this season?

In short, the answer is not for this season. However, our team knows all the effort that players have put in last season and are always looking to reward our most engaged players. Don’t forget Madden Rewards members can receive Coins, Packs, and other great surprises throughout the Madden NFL 20 Season.


Quote from tribe585 >> Quote from JRed529 >> My boy just got a code a couple hours ago. Dont lose hope yall.


 MutRewards via Twitter. They slid in his dm's. Super jelly yet happy at least someone I know won. 

Good luck.


Quote from JRed529 >> My boy just got a code a couple hours ago. Dont lose hope yall.



My boy just got a code a couple hours ago. Dont lose hope yall.


Quote from martyr1968 >> Hmmm I have opened like 200 packs already and my Madden 20 MUTrewards shows a big fat zero....

 The game hasn't launched yet, goofball.


Hmmm I have opened like 200 packs already and my Madden 20 MUTrewards shows a big fat zero....


How about rewarding players who have been with Madden the longest. You know your best customers.  OR how about the customers that contribute positively to Madden guys who help others, post how to’s or just help the new guys... Be a force for good


Badass! Congratulations! I've got my fingers crossed for myself... I have no idea how I'm going to make it to Thursday night.


I can confirm I just got one this afternoon from EA!

Was given to me from the mut Twitter account

Believe.  It can happen - I've never won something like this before and am pumped!!


Lol f**k this. I legit think it's all a scam to get profile hits/views up.

Quote from jaybird13 >> 100,000 packs is the exact same as 1,000 packs the way they’re doing it this year. Just more bad decisions from EA. 

 As far as I'm aware that's always been the case.  Hell, they weren't even limiting it to Legendary status before.


Thanks for the info


seems like a lot of work just for a small chance at the game.


Just grinded out my 86 team builder danielle hunter as time expired lol... itching to use him.


Ain't nobody got time for that.


Worth a shot I guess. Not holding my breath though.


Well shit if Kraelo didn’t win a free copy my chances aren’t looking good......


100,000 packs is the exact same as 1,000 packs the way they’re doing it this year. Just more bad decisions from EA.


ya this is def stupid


They fucked us over this year, plain and simple. Decision on 20 has been made for me until I see appreciation towards the consumer.