To see this community complain and bitch and moan about something 99% of game companies don't even do, is pathetic. I have never received a free copy either, and trust me, I would love nothing more. But to sit here and complain and act like EA owes us anything is comical.
This community needs to grow up.
EA really bluffed the community and only gave away like 10 copies this year lol
Quote from Gotitans3 >> Quote from Dukedakilla >> Quote from Gotitans3 >> Sometimes I daydream and wonder why nobody ever comes up to me and like hey you want this lambourghni. I’ll be like yeeeaaa. Probably wasted energy.
Quote from Dukedakilla >> Quote from Gotitans3 >> Sometimes I daydream and wonder why nobody ever comes up to me and like hey you want this lambourghni. I’ll be like yeeeaaa. Probably wasted energy.
Except most people who have Legendary send $1000s of dollars to EA so....
This is actually a paraphrasing from Daniel toshs old stand up so.....
Quote from Gotitans3 >> Sometimes I daydream and wonder why nobody ever comes up to me and like hey you want this lambourghni. I’ll be like yeeeaaa. Probably wasted energy.
Except most people who have Legendary send $1000s of dollars to EA so....
Whats annoying is alot of these youtubers already got God squads before most of us open a pack. Like YTs and Tourney ppl are not the only ppl who matter.
Guess they figure they will make more people purchase the game to try and inflate their sales numbers.
Quote from bucsallday18 >> You need to screenshot your packs opened and and send it to ultimate team's Twitter account for a chance to get a free one
EA had done a lot of stupid things and this is one of them
Wow this is a bag of crap. Im not chasing a code on twitter following and retweeting a bunch of douche bags. Guess no 20 for me cause im not giving them my 💰 anymore.
Well I have actually gotten codes the previous 2 years. I have also spent way too much money on packs as well. I decided to wait and see if I get a code to determine if I play Madden any more. Looks like Madden 19 is the final one for me. I will have to figure out something else to do, but I'm sure it won't cost me thousands of dollars to do it.
Quote from Slammer4244 >> Quote from jaybird13 >> Quote from Slammer4244 >> Slim to none this year with the way went about these.Its awful and bs to be honest how they did these this year.I would not count on it man.
I have still yet to ever get a free copy. I don't use Twitter, so my streak will continue.
I wish they would just send them out to the registered email like last season
Sometimes I daydream and wonder why nobody ever comes up to me and like hey you want this lambourghni. I’ll be like yeeeaaa. Probably wasted energy.
Quote from jaybird13 >> Quote from Slammer4244 >> Slim to none this year with the way went about these.Its awful and bs to be honest how they did these this year.I would not count on it man.
Coming from Slammer that says a lot about how huge of a fail it is.
Yeah man i hate it and there was no reason for these to have been done this way but is what it is man.
I've opened almost ten thousand packs in each of the past 4 Maddens and I've never gotten a free copy via Mut rewards. I tried their tweeting horseshit and I somehow doubt it'll work.
Quote from Slammer4244 >> Slim to none this year with the way went about these.Its awful and bs to be honest how they did these this year.I would not count on it man.
Coming from Slammer that says a lot about how huge of a fail it is.
Quote from Juicy_J_8787 >> Quote from Slammer4244 >> Slim to none this year with the way went about these.Its awful and bs to be honest how they did these this year.I would not count on it man.
👀 This might be the first negative comment I’ve ever seen you make about EA. Maybe you aren’t a robot after all.....
Oh no i have made a few.
Anyone know if they will be giving us free codes for M20 for Legendary Mut Rewards? Thanks just want to know before I buy M20 next week?