Guys at GameStop it’s releasing Monday at 8, not sure about the digital copies
Quote from womeldas >> It’s ridiculous. If you spend over 1-2k on packs you should be granted free access. Fucking EA. Only buddies get the codes or randoms
In for MHC rage giveaway
It’s ridiculous. If you spend over 1-2k on packs you should be granted free access. Fucking EA. Only buddies get the codes or randoms
Quote from Tahawli >> I'm not trying to stretch this even further but - EST time?
Lol yup
Quote from Lawrence11 >> Can’t wait to play the game at 12am. Play the game for s couple hours and then wake at 630 to get ready for work. I would cancel work that day but I like money
That's sounds like a plan. I used to schedule a couple days of Summer Vacation to play Madden every year when it came out, with pay of course :-)
Can’t wait to play the game at 12am. Play the game for s couple hours and then wake at 630 to get ready for work. I would cancel work that day but I like money
the best way to look at it Is 11:59pm on monday night is when you should be by your console ready to play
Glad to be on the West Coast, 9pm for us here :). Cant come soon enough, used up my 10 hrs....
Quote from sumthing_awesome >> Quote from lariluck >> Quote from thedullsound >>
Quote from Gotitans3 >> Let all be in agreement and use proper English. It is Tuesday at 12 AM. If people can’t figure out when that is exactly, perhaps they should cancel their preorders and use that money to go to school.
What school costs $100?
and why do that anyway when we can get learned on here for free?
Let all be in agreement and use proper English. It is Tuesday at 12 AM. If people can’t figure out when that is exactly, perhaps they should cancel their preorders and use that money to go to school.
i paid the extra 5 bucks so i could grind another 10 hours. Im glad i did, these full game solos are taking forever.
Quote from sumthing_awesome >> Quote from lariluck >> Quote from thedullsound >>
Quote from lariluck >> Quote from thedullsound >> Quote from lariluck >>
is this the correct time?