
The star system and new menu sucks hard

Real hard


19s menu was way better.  The star system does not bug me.  The tons of full games does though.


The menu is absolutely awful, but I'll take it considering were are able to jump to the next solo with 1 loading screen instead of 2.


I actually love the star system because I can play solos on All Pro. Usually solos are on rookie or pro so I play those and when I go online my timing is completely off.


It will take me a while to get used to it; it is a lot different than in the past


Quote from vassillios16 >> stars are good, menu is confusing



stars are good, menu is confusing


Menu sucks.  I find myself clicking on my objectives in messages where it takes you back to the old screen to track your progress.


I've finally sorta figured out how the menus work I think...probably still missing something but I agree with someone else more time on gameplay instead of trying to fix what wasn't really broken would have been a better use of their time.


Not a fan of either. Close to Thomas in journey but don’t like how I will have to go back and complete them for the ones I only got 3 stars on


Agree with OP on the menus. Anti-intuitive, menu one just leads to menu 2 in many cases, huge fail IMHO. Hate it.

Stars I take no issue with other than the fact I cannot beat many solos on max stars, CPU is playing All-Madden Competitive in reality not what's posted IMHO.


I also hate the menu but love the star system


I'm used to the menu now and I like the Star system makes it more of a challenge and the solos are not as mind numbing you gotta actually play a little harder starting on 3 stars and All-Pro.  Also I like you can get your player rewards and not complete the whole set of solos, I have been getting my players and moving on to a different set of solos and Ill go back later to complete them afterwards.

I like being able to play at different difficulty levels, but when i don’t see the check mark showing completion, my OCD takes over...I need the check mark!


Quote from Jonathanmote >> I actually like the star system and not having to do every solo in a chain to get the best rewards. What don’t you like about it?

Gotta agree. Star system is good.


Quote from 55studwell >> I like how confusing the menu is puts me at a level playing field with the millennials 



I like how confusing the menu is puts me at a level playing field with the millennials


I like the star system and after getting used to ignoring the mission part of the menu, it is fine.  The fact that you can play from one solo to the next without going back to the menu is worth all the other change.

Main complaints are still around player positions.  Guards should be able to play either side.  Same for tackles, ends, LBs, safeties......and having two fullback slots is just silly.  Let us slap tight ends in there or running backs and call it a day.  Or give up one FB slot and give us a third string QB.  Too easy to fix these things and move on.


Need option for legacy menu.


Quote from ch29sk >> That menu is a nightmare. I regret buying 20 just because of it. Though I wouldn't end my complaints there.

 If a menu makes you regret a purchase, then idk how you play any game. That's like saying I won't play a game because I didn't like how they colored in the bushes too green.... I enjoyed the change and it's not like it takes forever to navigate the menus. It's the same or easier than last year, and either way, once you're done with a solo you can just go right to the next one without running into the menu.


Looks like they rushed the menu