Posted by Gitbizy Gitbizy5 years ago

Friday golden ticket challenge 2 force fumble

So I forced 4 fumbles in the game and got NO credit for forcing them at all. Please fix your code EA!!!


Currently in my second try. Forced 2 more fumbles and zero have registered as forced fumbles...

Edited by Gitbizy


It took me 7 forced fumbles to get ONE to register for the challenge.

I punted to the CPU, it hit the punt returner and bounced loose and the punt returner picked it up himself. That registered as a “forced fumble”... go figure!

The prior 6 fumbles - 5 via hit stick big hitter and 1 where I crushed the CPU kick returner - none of those registered as fumbles.

More buggy code by EA

Edited by Gitbizy


I gave up after previous GT and server crash. Decided 55 mins and 3K wasn’t worth another try tonight


Same happened here. But it didn’t affect your chances for a ticket


Yeah, I had zero chance even though I literally started it at 10:00:01 EST. I’d of rather had another free Ultimate player or a free 95. This golden ticket promo is trash