
my dad made this look easy

I'm trying to carry the torch for my dad, Madden was the ONLY game he played, he made it look easy to build a team. I'm struggling in some ways. but I guess its pause for the course. any advice would be great


Possible your Dad had more cheddar to buy packs & bundles! :grin:

Do a theme team. Which means pick your favorite team or a team you like a lot of players on and just build that team. 

I know I've only been on Muthead for two years, but I've been playing MUT since 2011 and using this site for over five and I'm telling you that it's almost impossible to keep up with the Jones these days. In 2011, getting a 99 was easy and it stayed that way for about three years. Then, EA realized it had a cash cow and when I used to enjoy spending 1k a year to have a sick MUT team, now you can realistically expect to spend the same in a month if you want to keep up with the newest cards. I can't justify that costs as I have other hobbies like fishing and killing ducks that are more expensive. So I switched to a theme team two years ago and love it. I am able the spend the amount I'm comfortable with and I have the best Bears team I want. Which makes my sports fan experience better so I see it as a win / win. 

Either way, grind solos, buy the level up packs, and when you get those power up passes, use them to save coin. If you have a lot of free time, consider a farm account to reap in that extra coin. I don't have the time anymore to farm, but it was a way to keep that coin bank stocked.