
When does EA release New mut content?

i will have so many of these stupid questions Since not playing for 18 months. This is one of them


Daily updates are normally out by 11am est. Supposed to be soon but they are often times delayed so you're better off waiting 30 minutes.


Quote from Wicked_Shadows_666 >> Quote from Slammer4244 >> Quote from Wicked_Shadows_666 >>

Quote from Slammer4244 >> Quote from Wicked_Shadows_666 >> Thursdays were confirmed this morning for limited signature series items goingfforward. Heavyweights and veterans will be a weekly series as well but no days set for those yet.

Also the Flashbacks will be a weekly program as well and we should have the dates for the 3 next week is a strong chance.Ready for tomorrow can't wait to see what we get at 10 am est. :grin:


Quote from Wicked_Shadows_666 >> Thursdays were confirmed this morning for limited signature series items goingfforward. Heavyweights and veterans will be a weekly series as well but no days set for those yet.

Also the Flashbacks will be a weekly program as well and we should have the dates for the 3 next week is a strong chance.Ready for tomorrow can't wait to see what we get at 10 am est. :grin:

Thursdays were confirmed this morning for limited signature series items goingfforward. Heavyweights and veterans will be a weekly series as well but no days set for those yet.


Quote from JordanF0705 >> Quote from Uncommittedgamer >> Wait so Its really just sporadic? 

 once we get into the NFL season it’ll look something like this (based on last year’s schedule)

Monday - Solo Battles and Rewards from the previous week Tuesday - Team of the Week (and weekend league rewards) and House Rules (usually 48 hours period)


Quote from Uncommittedgamer >> Wait so Its really just sporadic? 

 What do you mean man were getting content every day almost some of the things have not got a day yet as to when they'll be released(Flashback,Vets and Heavyweights)The Signature series cards are going to be every Thursday going forward.Tomorrow at 10 am est there is a special stream to reveal a new promo coming and that could also be a weekly thing.Legends are every Saturday morning.All content info is put in the pinned thread at the top of this forum


Quote from Uncommittedgamer >> Wait so Its really just sporadic? 

 once we get into the NFL season it’ll look something like this (based on last year’s schedule)

Monday - Solo Battles and Rewards from the previous week Tuesday - Team of the Week (and weekend league rewards) and House Rules (usually 48 hours period) Wednesday - can’t remember what was here in 19 Thursday - Weekend League opens up for everyone (open through Monday at 10:30 AM) Friday - New promo every few weeks  Saturday - Legends


Wait so Its really just sporadic?


Quote from GiantsFan001 >> mut superstars and legends on weekend 

 Not seen anything on another round of Mut Superstars that program is most likely over with as we have a new 1 coming tomorrow.Special Stream at 10 am est to reveal all the info.


mut superstars and legends on weekend


Is Chat messed up for anyone else on the twitch stream?


so far we’ve got 

Flashbacks (last Tuesday) Heavy Weights (last Thursday) Veterans (this past Monday) Signature Series (today)


10:30 sometimes a little later