
Theme Builder Reviews

Figured I’d try to start a thread on these guys. Wondering if anyone has any other reviews on some of these new theme builders now that they have been out for a while. 

I’ll edit the post with posted reviews of players.

Donald Driver: I personally have him on my roster powered up and he is really nice. 88 speed does the job real well on deep routes and crossing routes and he seems to get open in man fairly often with his route running. Would recommend. 

Deuce: Have him powered up. My favourite running back I’ve used because of how fun he is. Bruiser chem is super fun and he gets some crazy trucking animations and some disrespectful stiff arms. And he is sneaky fast. Not as fast as Allen or Portis but he gets it done. Would recommend if you enjoy a more smash mouth type of back. 

Portis: Used him powered up. I ended up getting rid of him. There wasn’t really anything wrong with him but I didn’t really notice a difference between him and Marcus Allen. In my opinion you may as well just stick with Allen for the added trucking.


Quote from JordanF0705 >> These are Theme Diamonds... not Theme Builders. But nice reviews

 RIP lol. I’m too sleepy for this. 

Please let this thread die. I’ll start a new one.


These are Theme Diamonds... not Theme Builders. But nice reviews