
These abilities and X-factors are stupid

Sorry guys but I’ve made up my mind. First of all, they cost a ridiculous amount to equip in there first place. I spent my last 400k turning it into training and that isn’t even enough to equip 6 guys with abilities and X-factor, that’s absolutely insane. Second, how many time have you guys actually activated X-factor? I have a handful of times but it’s never been meaningful. Then there are certain abilities, that while some may consider them fun, are completely unrealistic and somewhat gamebreaking. Why isn’t there more effective ways at getting training and/or coins? Why can’t we earn X-factors through playing the game? Am I wrong here?

Just frustrated because I realize I’ve made a horrible boo boo in wanting to equip my favorite Raiders with X-factor. I shouldn’t even be going down this rabbit hole. I’m not adding chems or abilities to anyone until next May.


Don’t use them is you think they are so expensive. I think budget spending and scheme will win you more games than Gurley with SS or whatever ability..


Abilities>x factors


Agreed  had xfactor on my end just before the half and  I had to play man prevent next play and because of that lost my ex factor cause I gave up a 20 yard pass instead of risking a td


Quote from nicksr84 >> Glad you're only allowed 3 on each side of the ball. Stuff is op

 This is one of those moments when I realize I haven't been paying attention to the rules lol.




Glad you're only allowed 3 on each side of the ball. Stuff is op


It's not worth it this time of year.  Wait until October.


i cant tell the difference between gurley at 88 and after getting the SS and adding two abilities and x factor that’s what...over 500k?? ridiculous

Your half right lol. Xfactors are freaking stupid and an absolute waste of training BUT abilities are really solid especially on 89+ ovr players. Some are op even. You gotta lock in to your scheme and players you really like before going off investing in abilities at random.