
Solo Battles - 88 Challenge

Has anyone played the SB against the 88 ovr team.on Legend yet?  If so how did it go?  For the 87 team the other day I chickened out and played it on MVP lol


I won in OT 23 17. It was a tough game.


So that sucks just got my ass handed to mr 28-14.  The CPU had 2 80 yard td runs to start the game.  I had a pass they through that should have been a user lurk. Instead the ball bounced up in the air and Kittles caught it.  Ill post a video later today of this bs play.  

At the end of the game with max protect the cpu was still running through unscaved forcing me to thow picks.  

Edit:  Watch "Death by 88" on YouTube


Woot! I won, another overtime squeaker 27-21. The “little 83 team that could” remains undefeated. Donald Driver game MVP, Go Pack Go!


I'll be real with you guys I got crushed 34-0 against that 88ovr team. These are the most frustrating games in all of mut for me


What you said if you try to play it like you’re playing a H2H you’re gonna get roasted. 24k points. 50-17. TE flats out of an empty set is your friend.


The pass rush was worse on the 87 team.  I got a tad over 25k points on it which makes me happy because they can do whatever they wanted.  77-14.

P.S. - If you are playing these with football strategy and whatnot, you are doing it WRONG.


24-21 in OT


Quote from Juicy_J_8787 >> Lost 17-14 on a Rosas 56-yd FG as time expired. 🤦🏻‍♂️ 

Im an 84 OVR

 no way he makes that in real life


Quote from TheMidwayMonsters >> Pass rush is nuts. Double on Miller or he'll take your lunch money.

 broken game mechanics


Quote from WonderGotz >> I played that 87 challenge with my 83 Packer theme team and pulled an overtime win, it was ridiculous lol. That pass rush was insane, I don’t know how I pulled it off. Why do they do this? These solo battles just make me miserable. I feel like I need to do them, it’s just so aweful. I’m gonna try the 88 team tonight /gulp

 the cpu just decided to juice their team for steroids

Pass rush is nuts. Double on Miller or he'll take your lunch money.


Quote from lwcftw >> i beat the 87 no problem w my 86 ovr team House rules got my team to 87 ovr and i added secure pass blocker on both my tackles so im honestly not worried about no 88 ovr squad because tbh it is scheme over team till i die

 Which tackles do you have?  Is it better to have abilities on tackles than WRs and HBs?


Quote from WonderGotz >> I played that 87 challenge with my 83 Packer theme team and pulled an overtime win, it was ridiculous lol. That pass rush was insane, I don’t know how I pulled it off. Why do they do this? These solo battles just make me miserable. I feel like I need to do them, it’s just so aweful. I’m gonna try the 88 team tonight /gulp

 Cool let us know how it goes. GODSPEED!


Lost 17-14 on a Rosas 56-yd FG as time expired. 🤦🏻‍♂️ 

Im an 84 OVR


i beat the 87 no problem w my 86 ovr team House rules got my team to 87 ovr and i added secure pass blocker on both my tackles so im honestly not worried about no 88 ovr squad because tbh it is scheme over team till i die


I played that 87 challenge with my 83 Packer theme team and pulled an overtime win, it was ridiculous lol. That pass rush was insane, I don’t know how I pulled it off. Why do they do this? These solo battles just make me miserable. I feel like I need to do them, it’s just so aweful. I’m gonna try the 88 team tonight /gulp