This is why Madden sucks and it's not a football game
Simple explanation..I'm a videogame programmer, but I don't know shit about hockey, so let´s say someone comes to me so I can make a hockey game for him...NOW, what a normal/intelligent person would so is to search for the hockey rules, how hockey is played (I'm going to see it until my eyes start bleeding but I need to UNDERSTAND hockey first).
Now, in EA this doesn't happen..I'm seeing the game and tbh I'm 100% sure they don't have anyone there that knows even the basic rules of football or have seen a football game in their entire life.
Let's go back to the first part..Lets say I finish the hockey game but in the entire process I never saw a hockey game or I searched for the rules..Obviously is going to be a bad game no matter what. That''s why Madden is so bad, they have no idea what they are doing.
Simple explanation..I'm a videogame programmer, but I don't know shit about hockey, so let´s say someone comes to me so I can make a hockey game for him...NOW, what a normal/intelligent person would so is to search for the hockey rules, how hockey is played (I'm going to see it until my eyes start bleeding but I need to UNDERSTAND hockey first).
Now, in EA this doesn't happen..I'm seeing the game and tbh I'm 100% sure they don't have anyone there that knows even the basic rules of football or have seen a football game in their entire life.
Let's go back to the first part..Lets say I finish the hockey game but in the entire process I never saw a hockey game or I searched for the rules..Obviously is going to be a bad game no matter what. That''s why Madden is so bad, they have no idea what they are doing.