
lol to all that defend this trashpanda of a game

1.7 user score?

that has to be a madden record...way to go ea


worst developer in gaming worst community in gaming

but your complaining about solo battles? lol


Quote from irishdawg22 >> Not sure what is worse:

A. someone who starts their threads with "lol" or

B. someone who plays a game they claim to "hate" every single day.

 Both are terrible.


Until micro-transactions and MUT die, EA won't make a good football game. Once they hit the billion dollar mother lode of applying casino techniques to a sports game and started generating billions, the incentive to do anything with the base game or franchise disappeared. To these greedmeisters all that matters is hyping promos and getting in our wallets weekly like a Vegas slot machine.


The EA stans... Gotta hate em


Quote from Reepicheepmouse >> Quote from TTzeroTREY >> Quote from Dante88 >


Quote from TTzeroTREY >> Quote from Dante88 >> Quote from TTzeroTREY >>


Quote from TTzeroTREY >> Quote from kneerowmut >> Quote from TTzeroTREY >>


Quote from Khaos116 >> Quote from NYGbigblue >> Quote from TTzeroTREY >>


Quote from NYGbigblue >> Wow.. that is very low. Embarrassing actually. Although, I enjoy and like this game light years more than 18 or 19. I think people are just writing off this game before giving it the time of day. That’s how bad the previous games were.

 We still get the loads and loads of people complaining just like every year though even if its is a bit better


Quote from PatriaNYG26 >>  1.7 is rather high,  isn't it.  LOL   Just kidding,  it rates only as high as Madden 19 because as noted in the majority of reviews, although the game is faster and shows some signs of greater fluidity,  it lacks in substinitive advancements and or enhancements to actually better the game play.   Too many of the faults and short comings of Madden 19 and previous renditions still plaque this game as it enters its latest phase.  

Man,  are the cheerleading Fan Boys going to be after your hide for posting this!   Good Luck.  

 Yeah I mean there are tiny improvements but nothing good enough to warrant a higher rating necesarily


Quote from NYGbigblue >> Quote from TTzeroTREY >> I mean are you still playing it? 

 Exactly. If the game is so bad, they can easily leave and stop playing. But nope..

Agreed....but the trolls need to eat.


Quote from kneerowmut >> Quote from TTzeroTREY >> I mean are you still playing it? 

 You’re still defending It ☺️

 Not defending EA. I’m speaking on behalf of myself and my opinions. Can’t assume something that I verbally haven’t committed too 😊 

If the game is so bad, why continue to play?


Quote from Dante88 >> Quote from TTzeroTREY >> I mean are you still playing it? 

 What other NFL football game we currently got?

 Madden 19, Madden 18, Madden 17. There are plenty to choose from.


Quote from stang10 >> As long as you are having fun thats all that matters. You keep playing so EA thanks you.

 If you don't enjoy the game, then don't play it. EA does not care if they lose a customer. I agree that they're not well with their community, but they have been getting a lot better and you have to give them that.


Quote from NYGbigblue >> Wow.. that is very low. Embarrassing actually. Although, I enjoy and like this game light years more than 18 or 19. I think people are just writing off this game before giving it the time of day. That’s how bad the previous games were.

 I agree. I'm far from an EA apologist, but I'm really enjoying this year. I already hit level 50 this season where as in 19, I only hit 56 by the end of the year. Are there issues? Absolutely, but for the first time in a while, I'm actually enjoying playing Madden instead of just playing it because it's the only updated football game on the market.

With that said, I'm still holding out hope that, eventually, there is another NFL competitor in gaming. Until then, I'll try to make the best out of Madden and 20 has made that a bit easier than the last couple of entries in the series.


Yeah it’s basically the same game as 19 all over again.


Not sure what is worse:

A. someone who starts their threads with "lol" or

B. someone who plays a game they claim to "hate" every single day.


Quote from TTzeroTREY >> I mean are you still playing it? 

 Exactly. If the game is so bad, they can easily leave and stop playing. But nope..


Yeahhh I keep defending these games every year until the breaking point and I had that just now lol this game fucking sucks. They apparently turned down fumbles but I’ve never fumbled more in my life. I got a pick with shaz last game and as soon as the camera turned and I try to run I get hit sticked and fumble right back like what is this shit every game


As long as you are having fun thats all that matters. You keep playing so EA thanks you.