Quote from Braskilla >> Quote from Madi >> Quote from Braskilla >> can he? damn i didnt know he could, I have him his stock 89, and he actually is solid, makes all the throws needed, pretty mobile didnt know about gunslinger, may have to PU his card now
Quote from Madi >> Quote from Braskilla >> can he? damn i didnt know he could, I have him his stock 89, and he actually is solid, makes all the throws needed, pretty mobile didnt know about gunslinger, may have to PU his card now
I seen another post asking about gunslinger and someone said powers up Carr & Otto can get it and it has me thinking about getting him because I don’t like Mahomes sow release
Quote from Braskilla >> can he? damn i didnt know he could, I have him his stock 89, and he actually is solid, makes all the throws needed, pretty mobile didnt know about gunslinger, may have to PU his card now
I seen another post asking about gunslinger and someone said powers up Carr & Otto can get it and it has me thinking about getting him because I don’t like Mahomes sow release
hes got good stats and can get gunslinger but I need in game reviews before I buy and power up