
Help with user catching challenges

I don't know what else I'm supposed to do with these. I hop on my receiver or runningback and run their route to catch the ball and it doesn't count toward the challenge progress. Even when I possession or spec catch it, it doesn't count. Any tips?


That 99 yard lob throw with a user catch will not register no matter what I do. Very frustrating.

i had the same issue...once you lob it...hold x immediately and it will not hold b to control your receiver... helps when wr is wide open


RAC Catching wasnt working for me on that one which was frustrating, so had to use aggressive catch and it finally counted it.


The offensive user catch is broken if you ask me. No matter what route you do and if you press whatever button after you throw the ball whether it be possession etc it'll just register when the game feels like it! Honestly what's the point of the indicator of let's say "RAC" on the receiver and you press it correctly and it green check Marks it? Shouldn't that trigger a "user"option because you pressed it as if you're actually playing the game instead of just pressing the receiver of choice initially and then letting the CPU catch it and run etc....


User catch means activating a typemof carch.  X for for possession, square for RAC., etc.


That 99 yard lob throw with a user catch will not register no matter what I do. Very frustrating.


Yeah some of the challenges are kind of dumb. I found it best to make sure you hold X or A or whatever extra hard to hopefully make sure the game registers it


I don't know what else I'm supposed to do with these. I hop on my receiver or runningback and run their route to catch the ball and it doesn't count toward the challenge progress. Even when I possession or spec catch it, it doesn't count. Any tips?

Hitting a running back quickly off a route quickly like an angle or a swing doesn't usually count as a user catch because of a mini bug in Madden like csmmadden said do a drag route....lob it or touch pass......once you throw the ball ...push x immediately.....not b to control your receiver ....


drags are best.


Quote from csmmadden >> do a drag route....lob it or touch pass......once you throw the ball ...push x immediately.....not b to control your receiver ....

 This is how I didn’t it


do a drag route....lob it or touch pass......once you throw the ball ...push x immediately.....not b to control your receiver ....


I had the same problem today, for some reason they are not counting.