
Anyone use John Henderson yet?

just powered him up to 90 and put Run Stuffer on him just to see if it’s any good.  Wondering if anyone ya reviews.


Darnell dockett is better. Way better


I have him at an 89 and some of the run stuffs he’s had are ridiculous. He’s been a solid addition for me in my 3-4


Henderson plugs the middle like a boss and i only have him at an 87, will get him to 90 when his price dips.


I haven't tried him yet, but I will soon.


Williams is a stud.


Nice tip, thanks.


Wow, might have to try Williams.


Quote from n1e >> get mut superstar brandon williams 

comes with run stuffer secure tackler and reach elite stock


89 str 89 prc 89 awr 89 blockshed and run him at DT

Probably the better choice haha


get mut superstar brandon williams 

comes with run stuffer secure tackler and reach elite stock


89 str 89 prc 89 awr 89 blockshed and run him at DT


Not worth it. Just a expensive card. Just sell and get snacks and linval for DT. They do more. And you’ll have coins left over. Thank me later


Quote from killiqanisland >> I run him and Snacks together in my 3-4 and they’ve done well shutting down inside runs for me. 

90+ Blockshed seems to be the key. 

 indeed, i already plan on getting the first 90 bks dt provided he is 88 ovr or higher and not trash str. dont want to power up to get there tho.


I run him and Snacks together in my 3-4 and they’ve done well shutting down inside runs for me. 

90+ Blockshed seems to be the key.


Quote from stokezi >> I have him on my 3-4 defense. Hasn't done anything amazing so far but he's not powered up or anything. Hoping he steps up soon

 Picked up him and snacks for my 4-3 defence. Hoping they step up my run defence.


I have him on my 3-4 defense. Hasn't done anything amazing so far but he's not powered up or anything. Hoping he steps up soon