
Better to take the quicksell or packs on midfield/red zone or quicksell packs?

I assumed it'd be better to take the packs early season since cards hold more value but ive been getting stumped on them. What's the community sayin'?


I’ve almost always taken the coins. Best I’ve ever done taking packs is a slight loss compared to what I would have gotten taking coins. Most of the content creators do their pack openings and it’s almost always garbage.


Quick sell every time


coins are the safest route while packs are the funniest. Since I feel like the point of playing this game is to have fun, I take the packs most of the time.


Quote from john91799 >> I save all the packs I earn for Saturday morning for a chance at LTDs and new legends. Then I barely pull a low elite or two and it reminds me to never buy packs.

 My general outcome as well but it keeps me from buying packs AND scratches that little gambling itch.


I like to open the packs during LTD because its nice to dream.


Both my midfield packs and both my red zone packs had no elites today. So I’s say take the coins.


I save all the packs I earn for Saturday morning for a chance at LTDs and new legends. Then I barely pull a low elite or two and it reminds me to never buy packs.

Quote from jaybird13 >> Always coins for me.


Unless there is an LTD player I really want to pull packs for without spending money, I take the coin QS for Redzone and TD packs. Right now I open the midfield packs unless I need a few coins because it’s only 9k. Worst case I put the silvers/golds into exchange sets for a chance at a power up that goes for a decent amount.


I open midfield packs, quicksell red zone packs.


I've been really good about saving coins and using free cards to build up the team so I don't feel as bad about taking packs instead of the QS. Not really any cards that I've felt like I NEEDED (maybe just one lol)  but at 1.8 mil, I just think of it as a risk I can afford.


coins for me , but of course the ONLY time we did not do that last year my son pulled very early on 91 moss...


I would say coins but I'm working on that Kurt Warner so I actually pulled hold worth more than they would have cost me.


Coins are the sure thing


Last year the guaranteed coins have been the best way to go, and until EA fixes the pack trash I'd say that's your best bet.  You can then buy whoever you want


Packs are trash. Always coins. You'll have someone come tell you they pulled Bo from a junk pack and you'll want to try it. Don't. Always coins.


Coins are solid.


guaranteed coins is always the move


First week I took the packs, been coins ever since. Coins will always be the safest route to go.