Posted by BenzOn22s BenzOn22s5 years ago

Players seem slow in some games

Does anyone else notice that your players seem to perform slower in some games than others? As well as get more fatigued faster in some games than others?


Blows my mind how my defenders right next to a qb or hb can’t catch the player at times yet make a big run in open field and get caught by a defender 20 yards away let’s say


Usually if the other player has better players than me, I notice it. I don’t font think it’s your players are slower, I think theirs are probably just faster. And yeah. If Dickerson eats a hit stick from a non enforcer, he’s fine. But if he eats one by someone using enforcer, he’s light blue after one play.


Yes, I totally agree I notice that when I play users with mostly 99 cards...I think your right its bc their cards have better attributes than when you play users with lower are same cards.