
So excited for GT AP. Fan Art Shown, but the guy who won is in the process of making the GT AP with EA.


Thank god he's in a Vikings uni. Was one of my favorite players, might have to get him


One of the few GT's that made IRL sense, the equivalent of a great Flashback card for one of the great RB's in NFL history.


This will be the guy I'm targeting. Favorite player. Loved watching him at OU!


Basically same stats as Eric Dickerson I could be wrong but save yo coins


Ok, so this is fan art., but the guy did choose AP to be his Golden Ticket and is in the process of making it with EA now.

I still have GT RG3 for my Skins GT. Love me some AP though.

Edited by ModularMayhem


You will be able to use him with the Skins chem. They said that GTs will he treated just like Veterans cards. They don’t go into the Pu, but they can get any team chem they played for.

RG3 and AD!!! Not to bad for Skins teams.


thats fan art


Bruh 😂😂 it even has the power up symbol even though they don’t go into power ups. I’m weak.


AP was a man among boys in his prime so this card is quite deserving (because I don’t think EA was gonna give him a higher card than his 91).


GT's will not go into PU's. EA has already said they would not.


Well, damn. I'm blown.


GT's will also not be LTD lol.