
To The Veteran Muthead Guys.... Thank You!

My goodness, this site would not be tolerable if not for your positivity.

Every day I see so many dudes come on here and complain or say they’re giving up the game or say they can’t take it anymore, and every day one of the veteran Muthead gentleman responds in a way that makes me feel better.

I just wanted to say thanks. You guys make this place tolerable.


Quote from gbwisc >> True, but many times it's warranted. Complaining got us house rules rightfully dropped down to 10 from the patently insane Jake Stein approved 30. 

 Yea, this is a great example of what an overwhelming majority of feedback can do. Unfortunately the 100 daily threads just crying nerf about something hinders the ability to bring real issues to EAs attention.


Quote from gbwisc >> True, but many times it's warranted. Complaining got us house rules rightfully dropped down to 10 from the patently insane Jake Stein approved 30. 

 Cha Ching!!


True, but many times it's warranted. Complaining got us house rules rightfully dropped down to 10 from the patently insane Jake Stein approved 30.


This site needs more positivity and constructive criticism, and less knee jerk reactions to something not going your way.


Negativity breeds negativity. It’s a lot easier to be positive than complain imo. We all need more positive vibes around here. #PFFG


Quote from nicksr84 >> What's wrong with complaining? Ppl are brining up legit concerns

 There are ways to raise concerns about legit issues, but that’s gotta be less than 10% of people on here. Most just come here to cry nerf or “not buying....” because they can’t handle losing a game.


After you’ve been on here for awhile you learn who’s posts to skip over. I won’t mention any names, but there’s more than a few who are always negative. Then there’s the ones that just need attention. My favorite part about this site is people helping each other. That seems to be happening less and less unfortunately.


You’re welcome


Gotta have criticism too it's important


Positivity is good but some of these complain threads are good. Constructive criticism. Ea really don’t give af but at least it will bring light to the half ass product they put out and maybe they’ll fix a few things. There is definitely some complaining that is overboard and just ridiculous though.


Quote from NYGbigblue >> Quote from 55studwell >> He means the knuckle heads who put trivial posts like”I can’t see my top 3 macho players “”get it right EA” 

 Or, “if you run 3 times in a drive I’m quitting”



Quote from 55studwell >> He means the knuckle heads who put trivial posts like”I can’t see my top 3 macho players “”get it right EA” 

 Or the people who say “No good pulls. EA scammed me” “Madden is trash. Good Job EA”


Quote from 55studwell >> He means the knuckle heads who put trivial posts like”I can’t see my top 3 macho players “”get it right EA” 

 Or, “if you run 3 times in a drive I’m quitting”


He means the knuckle heads who put trivial posts like”I can’t see my top 3 macho players “”get it right EA”


I know man, a lot of nonsense has taken over this site. I would love to give names, but then I would get banned or something.

Quote from nicksr84 >> What's wrong with complaining? Ppl are brining up legit concerns

 Nothing wrong for legit concerns man. I should have clarified, pointless complaints.


What's wrong with complaining? Ppl are brining up legit concerns


Bear Down


lol MH has become the Madden Complaint corner