
Yooo read THIS! MUT custom unis how to!!!

Disclaimer this DOES NOT WORK ONLINE!

Edit 2, away unis do not work so far. I few claim they do though so IF you get an away unit to work PLEASE post the team and the uniform setup you use in the comments below!!!

Go to settings then creation center.

Edit/create uniform Go to team and edit the jersey they way you want it for home or away. Once you like it click the left stick to set as default. Let's say you edited the Eagles home uniform  to the color rush uni ok now go to into MUT and on the visuals section unequip the home uni (even if it was already the Eagles for example)  then set that Eagles home uni and voila, your rockin all black Eagles uni in MUT!!!!


I did that with the throwback helmet, freaking DOPE lookin!!!!

I'm testing this more. It's really touchy lol. Just do one uniform change either home or away. It worked when I did the Eagles home no problem but now after editing the away neither is working lol.

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