Quote from blaze556 >> Oh btw, those twitch uniforms are the uglies f’ing thing I’ve ever seen in my life. My 75ovr farm team wouldn’t be caught dead in those
For real looks like someone threw up on them
Quote from Intoda >> Saving till a ltd is in packs Friday. Small chance, but at least it’s a chance.
Me, too. Saving for next MUT10 legend release
Quote from ModularMayhem >> What the heck, I didn't get mine. I've been waiting for the next Twitch Prime player since I last got Jim Brown and now i'm hearing all the all other Prime users got Elite packs, damn.
Go to the twitch website
82 Darius L. Low golds. It's free, but at only once a month, pretty weak. The Jim Brown was a great addition last month and I still use him on some plays.
I seriously doubt waiting for the Ltd to drop will increase your chances of NOT getting an 80-81
Quote from wolvesjr34 >> Quote from samurijohn >> I got the last reward but not this one am I missing something?
Pretty sure you have to claim it on twitch.... but I did and got nothing.
I just went on Twitch and clammed mine too, Ill see if its there when I get home. Just click on the Madden 20 Learn more button
Quote from ModularMayhem >> What the heck, I didn't get mine. I've been waiting for the next Twitch Prime player since I last got Jim Brown and now i'm hearing all the all other Prime users got Elite packs, damn.
I had to go to twitch prime websiteand hit claim button again. Give it a try