
Pray 4 me bout to take a chance

On young and this left handed thing. I have never been good at it and dont even care for the escape artist but I run so much rpo and triple options seems like he is my guy to get the job done


On young and this left handed thing. I have never been good at it and dont even care for the escape artist but I run so much rpo and triple options seems like he is my guy to get the job done


Title is like the christian version of " Hold my beer"


Quote from Wicked_Shadows >> VERY easy to get used to really. People make a big deal about left Vs right but it isn't as big a deal as people make it out to be. I go from lefties to righties and vice versa all the time. If you have slightly above basic madden skills you can do it!!!

 Same. And yet amazingly all these guys have no trouble jumping on the Vick train each year!

Quote from Ballsy >> DUDE there is rainstorms in Florida right now god is busy 

 Thanks a lot... I spit my drink out at work lol comment of the day!


Quote from Jimmykred >> Quote from Ballsy >> DUDE there is rainstorms in Florida right now god is busy 

 God has been to busy all year with the famine and lack of clean drinking water in Africa. Just cause something has more media coverage or hits closer to home doesn’t make it more important than another thing.

Serious question: do you believe in dinosaurs? 🎤 🔽


man brutal comments


It's really not hard to get use to if you just play with him consistently.  You'll love him


Quote from Ballsy >> DUDE there is rainstorms in Florida right now god is busy 

 God has been to busy all year with the famine and lack of clean drinking water in Africa. Just cause something has more media coverage or hits closer to home doesn’t make it more important than another thing.


for right passes i use Elway .. for left passes i use Young

hence have both at 88 ovr ..

not bad?!? :roll:


Well I never cared to play with Vick but hey if all goes well I can get used to all this by the time vick drops and I can sell young and get him!


Quote from Biggamerben86 >> I actually am too used to left handers now cause of vick lol.  So young feels normal to me.

 haha! Couldn’t agree more!


I actually am too used to left handers now cause of vick lol.  So young feels normal to me.


It takes a little practice but you can do it!!!


VERY easy to get used to really. People make a big deal about left Vs right but it isn't as big a deal as people make it out to be. I go from lefties to righties and vice versa all the time. If you have slightly above basic madden skills you can do it!!!


Lol yes I know god is busy. Did not the best way to open a convo buttttt just sayin lol and yea I know everyone says he is a beast so guess I’ll see


I cant play with left handed qb's, never have been able to.


Young a beast. You can’t go wrong with him. Hope you enjoy him.


Yeah no shit, he's gotta keep chik fil a safe


DUDE there is rainstorms in Florida right now god is busy