
Gamebreaker Vick is back! Stats!

Vick with escape artist.. I cannot fathom the cheese. Gonna move on to 2K early this year


Vick with escape artist.. I cannot fathom the cheese. Gonna move on to 2K early this year


Im glad hes LTD so not every single person you face has him like last year. I might grab him at some point when im running an all Steelers team but for now my Young with escape artist will be fine since his throwing ratings are better


oh boy...


The Fumblenator is back


How high can I get him with 2k training?


I hope this drives down the Steve Young prices so I can make him a backup to my Mahomes!


Quote from thedrunkgamer >> Those throw stats are better than last years as far as accuracy. Hd2Hd is an officially sanctioned glitch fest.

 Def not better than last years the guy was on roids last year had like 2 spots where he hit 90 for throwing stats. Like short and deep I think. I'll take this baker mayfield with wheels over him any day


Quote from ChiefsKingdom54 >> Vick is Easy to beat keep on bringing him EA i love making all the vick scrubs rage quit online People worried about vick chill of you have a brian you will just Spy and Contain & enjoy pick city and Rage Quits! Vick is so easy its not even funny anymore I'm more nervous playing Mcnabb Cunningham or Culpepper then i am playing vick atleast those 3 can beat you running and passing..

Vick only beats you with his feet so stop that you win!

Look, I'm not a great player, but that's just bunk.  I won more than 75% of my games last year and I ran Vick pretty much the entire time.


Neat,  now a QB nobody can  not tackle (QB glitch until patched) NOR catch him!   LOL  Should be a riot to play with.   I guess the real difference here is that Steve Young is a Hall of Fame QB,  Vick will never be.  Just that he is Madden Football HOF caliber.  Should be fun for those who want him on their team.  I will stay with my theme team QB,  90 Signature and potential future HOFer,  Phillip Rivers.


Vick is Easy to beat keep on bringing him EA i love making all the vick scrubs rage quit online People worried about vick chill

If you have a brian you will just Spy and Contain & enjoy pick city and Rage Quits! Vick is so easy its not even funny anymore I'm more nervous playing Mcnabb Cunningham or Culpepper then i am playing vick atleast those 3 can beat you running and passing..

Vick only beats you with his feet so stop that you win!


First step/speed burst perk will be fun to stop out of Panther heavy now......:OMG


Quote from Mediocre_Gent >> Am I the only one who thinks Young will be the better card?

Obviously, if you have the coins to get full Vick, fully power him up, and add team chemistry to him, he'll be better. But if you don't want to/don't have millions of coins to spend on Vick in order to get him to the mid and deep thresholds, Young is still the move. Young will move just as fast in the backfield as Vick with Escape Artist and he already hits the mid accuracy threshold without chems.

Only difference is Vick will be faster once he passes the line of scrimmage. Considering Young is going to be, at least, 2-3 million coins cheaper than Vick, I don't see any reason to move to Vick unless you're a huge Vick fan and/or are running a theme team.


Am I the only one who thinks Young will be the better card?

Obviously, if you have the coins to get full Vick, fully power him up, and add team chemistry to him, he'll be better. But if you don't want to/don't have millions of coins to spend on Vick in order to get him to the mid and deep thresholds, Young is still the move. Young will move just as fast in the backfield as Vick with Escape Artist and he already hits the mid accuracy threshold without chems.

Only difference is Vick will be faster once he passes the line of scrimmage. Considering Young is going to be, at least, 2-3 million coins cheaper than Vick, I don't see any reason to move to Vick unless you're a huge Vick fan and/or are running a theme team.


Awesome info bud thanks for this hope to land this dude myself very best of luck to everyone going after him.


Quote from barrofsoap >> Vick with escape artist.. I cannot fathom the cheese. Gonna move on to 2K early this year

I only wish I could bring my LTD black mamba signature series numbered #42/81 on earth galaxy opal... painful to get that drop so late snd only get about 2/mo on the sticks... might boot dude up later HA!

#FUEA 🤑🤑🤑


Quote from thedrunkgamer >> Those throw stats are better than last years as far as accuracy. Hd2Hd is an officially sanctioned glitch fest.

 Not Salary Cap. Even if you use him for Cap there will be lots of sacrifices made elsewhere. Best mode in the game.


Nice... He has a super high CAP. So even if I see him in Salary Cap mode the rest of the team will suck! Gotta love Salary Cap mode!


Those throw stats are better than last years as far as accuracy. Hd2Hd is an officially sanctioned glitch fest.


Not a good as young


Quote from digitalpimp >> Those throw stats though 😂. Just think, with chems he could be 91 speed. Ugly.

I plan to boost the throwing stats with jerseys/stadium team chemistry.  Steelers Passing Chemistry will boost those passing accuracy stats into the high 80s or low 90s.  Boosted Vick will be the move.