I am going to try to keep this updated with all the good tips, for all beginners and veterans, not everyone knows everything but let's share some of our secrets. Like things that most people don't know about that you consider a "skill" that you know how to do?
I'll start off:
My Run Defense: 34 odd- Storm Brave 1. Flip play at playcall screen. Press, move your ROLB out a few steps( should be left of screen). Crash Dline towards the side you think they are running. User the FS in deep middle and fill gaps.
Run Defense #2: 34 Solid
Clamps Double Go
Base Align
Show Blitz
User FS and contain edge on tosses and stretches to the strong side.
I am going to try to keep this updated with all the good tips, for all beginners and veterans, not everyone knows everything but let's share some of our secrets. Like things that most people don't know about that you consider a "skill" that you know how to do?
I'll start off:
My Run Defense: 34 odd- Storm Brave 1. Flip play at playcall screen. Press, move your ROLB out a few steps( should be left of screen). Crash Dline towards the side you think they are running. User the FS in deep middle and fill gaps. Run Defense #2: 34 Solid Clamps Double Go
Base Align Show Blitz User FS and contain edge on tosses and stretches to the strong side.