
Alright I’ll say it, 19 was better

these abilities and stale meta have gotten the best of me. I’m going to salary cap until this shit is fixed. I’m not saying 19 was the best by any means but at least the meta was more interesting than this. now it’s who can pop off a stretch for a td more times than their opponent. It makes zero sense to even throw the ball anymore in this game. It’s just boring and fucking stupid.


these abilities and stale meta have gotten the best of me. I’m going to salary cap until this shit is fixed. I’m not saying 19 was the best by any means but at least the meta was more interesting than this. now it’s who can pop off a stretch for a td more times than their opponent. It makes zero sense to even throw the ball anymore in this game. It’s just boring and fucking stupid.


Quote from bruinrogue >> 19's card content and programs were shit after EA quit early. 20 is 19 but now with a ludicrous new gimmick.

 Yeah just wait until January this year. 19 wasn’t bad till then last year. 

They are already missing promos the gameplay is worse they have already half given up in September.


19's card content and programs were shit after EA quit early. 20 is 19 but now with a ludicrous new gimmick.


Quote from martyr1968 >> I said this in another thread...the biggest issue I have is that everything is random no matter who you have on your team. Any card can beat any card, regardless of stats, OVR, etc and I am not talking about once in a while, it happens all the time, every game. That's why people use the metas, because those are the only reliable ways to play

 Yup just more noticeable this year.


It’s fucking wild man I don’t knock people for wanting to win and reaping the benefits of the game but it’s just not fun at all to play against stretch every play. Plus how could it be fun for them? Shit seams so boring.


19 was the worst video game I've played in my life


Quote from 55studwell >> Anything is better than 19 -Atari real sports football was better than 19 and it was 4vs4

 What about Intellivision?


Neither is good but 20 edges it out. 19 was the worst in over 5 years.


Neither was great but I think I would've liked 19 better than 20 if 19 had the limit of 3 abilities per side of the ball.


Quote from _redcow >> I love(d) this game and football but it’s gotten crazy playing in seasons in higher tiers. At least in salary cap they can’t just juke and their off to the races. They don’t dumb out because they shit a star. 

 Bruh I got to the top division and got demoted done to all star. Its crazycrazy how this game plays different up there.


Update: salary cap is amazing. not that anyone asked for my opinion but it’s the most fun I’ve had in weeks with this game.


I will give to credit to EA. Two topics that were continuously brought last year got an upgrade.  

1) More legends/unique legends. We go this with the team diamonds and MUT10. I mean Gale Sayers and P. Willis were great. 

2) Continuing onto the next solo challenge without go back to the home menu.


I like it alot more this year


Quote from _redcow >> these abilities and stale meta have gotten the best of me. I’m going to salary cap until this shit is fixed. I’m not saying 19 was the best by any means but at least the meta was more interesting than this. now it’s who can pop off a stretch for a td more times than their opponent. It makes zero sense to even throw the ball anymore in this game. It’s just boring and fucking stupid. 

 1000% agree with you on this. I don't know what they've done to this game but it's pretty bad all the way around. The worst part of it to me is getting rid of the animation walking to the line which shortens the time to make defensive adjustments by a lot. It's to the point where you basically have to play stock defense or make 1 or 2 adjustments and that's it or you will get quick snapped and end up on your d-line.


20 better


Plenty of negatives this year but it's considerably better IMO


I said this in another thread...the biggest issue I have is that everything is random no matter who you have on your team. Any card can beat any card, regardless of stats, OVR, etc and I am not talking about once in a while, it happens all the time, every game. That's why people use the metas, because those are the only reliable ways to play


I liked 91 zone coverage in 18, I'm probably in the minority but at least we knew what we were getting from a stat line on D.


Not a huge fan of the abilities. But I like only have 3 on O and 3 on D. Better than every player having a Red Chem.