To get a Hero you need 120 collectables. you get 17 for completing a long string of solos so that's 103 you need. There are 3 collectibles in every UK pack and the packs cost 28,000 coins so you would need to buy 35 packs. 980,000 cons to get a hero if you did all the solos, or 1,120,000 coins if you don't do the solos. Seems like a bad promo to me.
To get a Hero you need 120 collectables. you get 17 for completing a long string of solos so that's 103 you need. There are 3 collectibles in every UK pack and the packs cost 28,000 coins so you would need to buy 35 packs. 980,000 cons to get a hero if you did all the solos, or 1,120,000 coins if you don't do the solos. Seems like a bad promo to me.