Quote from BigGame8128 >> Quote from FLBulldog >> Went 13-12 this week. Was 11-12 and needed to win two in a row to have enough trophies for the last madden token before series 2. Won the two this morning. Friday was rough. Won 6 out to 7 and then lost 5 in a row to get to 6-6. My DBs dropped so many interceptions I lost count. User or AI, my guys gave up pick after pick. I normally win between 13 and 15. Always a winning record, but never able to make a big push for the top two tiers.
Quote from FLBulldog >> Went 13-12 this week. Was 11-12 and needed to win two in a row to have enough trophies for the last madden token before series 2. Won the two this morning. Friday was rough. Won 6 out to 7 and then lost 5 in a row to get to 6-6. My DBs dropped so many interceptions I lost count. User or AI, my guys gave up pick after pick. I normally win between 13 and 15. Always a winning record, but never able to make a big push for the top two tiers.
Most of my losses were bad play on my part.
Thats rough man. I run a 50/50 Rams theme team so its a gamble. I dont stand a chance against money teams. Still enjoy it though.
Went 13-12 this week. Was 11-12 and needed to win two in a row to have enough trophies for the last madden token before series 2. Won the two this morning. Friday was rough. Won 6 out to 7 and then lost 5 in a row to get to 6-6. My DBs dropped so many interceptions I lost count. User or AI, my guys gave up pick after pick. I normally win between 13 and 15. Always a winning record, but never able to make a big push for the top two tiers.
Most of my losses were bad play on my part.
Quote from BobsToe >> Dude, thanks for this thread. The DDA is frustrating. I picked up Deuce because he has a high Carrying rating, and even protecting the ball, he would fumble (but only in those games when DDA was kicking in for everything else).
Yes, I benefit from the DDA at times, too, but it's SO frustrating when someone benefitting from DDA does his little dance into the end zone like it was all his skill and not the invisible sliders.
All that said, I'm still enjoying the game. Just wish it was a little more balanced. I ended up with 12 wins. Meh, not bad.
No problem man! Keep grinding through. There is always the next one.
Quote from BigGame8128 >> Quote from chodge8787 >> Quote from BigGame8128 >>
Dude, thanks for this thread. The DDA is frustrating. I picked up Deuce because he has a high Carrying rating, and even protecting the ball, he would fumble (but only in those games when DDA was kicking in for everything else).
Yes, I benefit from the DDA at times, too, but it's SO frustrating when someone benefitting from DDA does his little dance into the end zone like it was all his skill and not the invisible sliders.
All that said, I'm still enjoying the game. Just wish it was a little more balanced. I ended up with 12 wins. Meh, not bad.
Quote from Poohdini >> They say zones are broken but sometimes it’s so damn hard to throw against cover 3 sky. 6-5 I may stop at 10
Lol dont stop till you get enough.
They say zones are broken but sometimes it’s so damn hard to throw against cover 3 sky. 6-5 I may stop at 10
I usually get my 13 wins then just stop with games to spare lol.....too much of a hassle for too little rewards lol
Quote from The_Matural >> I just think it’s bullshit you can hitstick someone from all angles. When was the last time you seen a nfl guy trucking someone in their back racing after them?
The only way this would even be possible is if the defender was significantly faster than the guy running with the ball and could take an angle in front of the runner. I’m pretty sure the current hit in the back hip on a RB with speed like Marcus Allen or Bo Jackson while they’re running full speed would not even be physically possible irl.
Quote from The_Matural >> I just think it’s bullshit you can hitstick someone from all angles. When was the last time you seen a nfl guy trucking someone in their back racing after them?
DUDE! YES! Like no matter how close the angle is.
I just think it’s bullshit you can hitstick someone from all angles. When was the last time you seen a nfl guy trucking someone in their back racing after them? This about sums my weekend league up lol
Quote from BigGame8128 >> Quote from chodge8787 >> For any person crying about dda, let us watch you play some of your games. It's very easy to start a stream.
Hows your WL going?
14-4 I wont be able to finish the rest until tomorrow
Quote from chodge8787 >> For any person crying about dda, let us watch you play some of your games. It's very easy to start a stream.
Hows your WL going?
For any person crying about dda, let us watch you play some of your games. It's very easy to start a stream.
Quote from Guntersvillerecycle >> I just lost on a last play touchdown pass...Hail Mary and I was in man up three deep. It was really weird though. Like my dudes seemed to hesitate and nobody jumped for the ball at the end. I guess I’m only meant to win 7 every week lol
Ouch thats a rough one. Yeah there have been a couple of games where my corners freeze even after I click on them. Chalk it up and keep moving on. I`m sure you will get to 8 this weekend ;)
Quote from Wepresidentnow >> I used to give people sh1t for crying about DDA. There is 100% some type of DDA function in this game.
I dont believe it works exactly the way they think, but it is pretty obvious it’s there.
Let me have it. Unless you are have an amazing WL record, salute.