Anyone with a producer title in Madden is the problem here and Jake Stein is probably the most public face so I'd dub him the main problem. How can he be so clueless about what is going on among the rapidly dwindling player base. It's so disturbing how fast they are alienating players.
I get it, they have a vision and are trying to implement it, but you have to listen to the consumer. I saw kraelos twitter feed responses and maybe 1 in 50 are positive. Not embellishing. This game is dying rapidly and if they want it to be some mobile loot box simulation, fine, but just tell us so we can all bail now. No one is engaging with the current game except die hards and streamers and that will never change since it is life for them. For the rest of us, we are in this holding pattern deciding whether or not to stay with Madden or bail. If you no longer want us as your consumer, just tell us and cut the cord.
very frustrating as madden has been a staple for me every fall and winter and I can't stay engaged this year and I feel my compulsive need to keep getting more and more rewards dying. Maybe this is a mission for them to reframe what MUT is at the expense of all of us who enjoyed what MUT was, but please just tell us. If this isn't their intent, they are failing miserably, but I have to believe they are more clever than that when managing a billion dollar product.
Yeah its bad this year....this is my 2nd full season of MUT and I no longer spend $$$$. I spent a decent amount last year but when you see something you spent $$$ on be altered by EA then to me its just a giant scam. When they nerf players, DDA every SB, it should be illegal as its fraud on their part.
I know this will never happen but would love for someone to take these pricks to court and during the discovery phase see all the BS they do behind the scenes..>DDA...nerf players...nerf packs etc.etc.etc.
I love to compete online which is the only reason I play but all of these complaints are legit. Madden and NHL were my two favorite games my entire life and for those of you who say just quit, its not that easy since there is no other option. Plus all of us see these assholes could give 2 shits about the franchise and are ruining what I feel was the best video sports game. Sports games are the only ones I like and sadly these dumb F's at EA have a monopoly on it.
Quote from ufcknockout >> It's chasing the exact same stuff every year. I'm sure this lame little julio on front page is no different than past 5 years of totw releases. The longer you play it and mut is around, the dumber you'll feel for partaking. It's tons of time spent with nothing to show for in the end. I really dont think EA is doing much wrong, the typical mut player is addicted and just needs to break the cycle. Exercise and bettering yourself will carry over year to year, the black hole known as MUT wont. People either spend stupid amounts of money or stupid amounts of time to keep up, the in between is non existent and i wouldn't believe it if said.
It's chasing the exact same stuff every year. I'm sure this lame little julio on front page is no different than past 5 years of totw releases. The longer you play it and mut is around, the dumber you'll feel for partaking. It's tons of time spent with nothing to show for in the end. I really dont think EA is doing much wrong, the typical mut player is addicted and just needs to break the cycle. Exercise and bettering yourself will carry over year to year, the black hole known as MUT wont. People either spend stupid amounts of money or stupid amounts of time to keep up, the in between is non existent and i wouldn't believe it if said.
This mode will always own real estate in my mind, but i'll never enter the mode again. Finally woke up to the stupidity of it all. Just do your best to escape
the point of all of this is that i think they hear us, but they are just ignoring it and continuing on with a vision that changes what MUT is going forward and if we don't like it, they don't care. they'd rather keep the handful that will spend thousands on this game to fuel their addiction and not invest in building a product that caters to the masses.
Quote from ixtmfxi >> Quote from lariluck >> Anyone with a producer title in Madden is the problem here and Jake Stein is probably the most public face so I'd dub him the main problem. How can he be so clueless about what is going on among the rapidly dwindling player base. It's so disturbing how fast they are alienating players.
I get it, they have a vision and are trying to implement it, but you have to listen to the consumer. I saw kraelos twitter feed responses and maybe 1 in 50 are positive. Not embellishing. This game is dying rapidly and if they want it to be some mobile loot box simulation, fine, but just tell us so we can all bail now. No one is engaging with the current game except die hards and streamers and that will never change since it is life for them. For the rest of us, we are in this holding pattern deciding whether or not to stay with Madden or bail. If you no longer want us as your consumer, just tell us and cut the cord.
Quote from lariluck >> Anyone with a producer title in Madden is the problem here and Jake Stein is probably the most public face so I'd dub him the main problem. How can he be so clueless about what is going on among the rapidly dwindling player base. It's so disturbing how fast they are alienating players.
I get it, they have a vision and are trying to implement it, but you have to listen to the consumer. I saw kraelos twitter feed responses and maybe 1 in 50 are positive. Not embellishing. This game is dying rapidly and if they want it to be some mobile loot box simulation, fine, but just tell us so we can all bail now. No one is engaging with the current game except die hards and streamers and that will never change since it is life for them. For the rest of us, we are in this holding pattern deciding whether or not to stay with Madden or bail. If you no longer want us as your consumer, just tell us and cut the cord.
Maybe if the gameplay wasnt god awful it would be more acceptable but gameplay is the worst its ever been. Just got done playing a game where the guy threw right at my user over and over and even though i was usering Ken Houston he still refused to jump or make any play on the ball just inches above his head but my wide open receivers (90 Jerry Rice) dive and jumble the ball off their hands even after i click on and select rac catch for what should be a easy touchdown. There is no point in having a team when the cpu can just decide they are gonna play like a bronze squad. Add that on to the god awful promos and whoever comes up with the rewards being completely out of touch of the mut economy then yea its not even week 3 in the NFL and im already barely playing and have sold my team off like 4 or 5 times and redistributed the coins elsewhere. Eat it EA. I wish 2k was worth buying because i want a sports game to play but i hear its just as bad.
Starting to get tired of this game already....if next promo is bad im out
Quote from Madi >> Quote from nicksr84 >> This company got voted the worst in America and still haven't changed their act. That tells me they don't Care.
Damn did they really? That’s not surprising at all. We in week 2 of the season and mut seems dead. I play a lot of h2h but it gets boring seeing who can break the most long runs on stretch. Tired of the glitchiness and even more tired of the 🧀
Quote from nicksr84 >> This company got voted the worst in America and still haven't changed their act. That tells me they don't Care.
Damn did they really? That’s not surprising at all. We in week 2 of the season and mut seems dead. I play a lot of h2h but it gets boring seeing who can break the most long runs on stretch. Tired of the glitchiness and even more tired of the 🧀
I'm generally disappointed with the direction the game is going as are the majority of the players. It doesn't take much effort to see the feedback given on twitter. Positive vibes are very few and far between.
I picked up this Madden for the first time since Madden 17 due to Face of the Franchise mode. That's giving me basically what I want and the bits of MUT I play here and there are fine. This is definitely not as bad as Battlefront 2, but man it's not that far off.
This company got voted the worst in America and still haven't changed their act. That tells me they don't Care.
you are mad at Jake,Kraelo,etc but they are just the public face. the people behind the scenes making actual decisions we don't even know who they are.
I wouldn't point the finger at Jake Stein. For all we know he's the guy in the room saying people should be able to build a NAT Master through grinding for it. And other people in that room are the ones that say "can't do that, we have to sell this many packs this month, and the way to do it is by not giving the grinders anything so they open their wallet." They're obviously very wrong. But we're not in those meetings so all we can do is blame the MUT team as a whole, not any individual.
I bet their numbers say all is good in madden 20. I’m sure they hear the grips and complaining but there’s never a wait for games, cards sell pretty quickly and most teams I’m playing are fairly stacked. I’d guess around 85% of maddens base are quiet users grinding the shit out of solos, h2h or some personalized franchise.
Anyone with a producer title in Madden is the problem here and Jake Stein is probably the most public face so I'd dub him the main problem. How can he be so clueless about what is going on among the rapidly dwindling player base. It's so disturbing how fast they are alienating players.
I get it, they have a vision and are trying to implement it, but you have to listen to the consumer. I saw kraelos twitter feed responses and maybe 1 in 50 are positive. Not embellishing. This game is dying rapidly and if they want it to be some mobile loot box simulation, fine, but just tell us so we can all bail now. No one is engaging with the current game except die hards and streamers and that will never change since it is life for them. For the rest of us, we are in this holding pattern deciding whether or not to stay with Madden or bail. If you no longer want us as your consumer, just tell us and cut the cord.
very frustrating as madden has been a staple for me every fall and winter and I can't stay engaged this year and I feel my compulsive need to keep getting more and more rewards dying. Maybe this is a mission for them to reframe what MUT is at the expense of all of us who enjoyed what MUT was, but please just tell us. If this isn't their intent, they are failing miserably, but I have to believe they are more clever than that when managing a billion dollar product.