
Alright mut broke me...good luck to everyone (possible 2m giveaway in October)

Can't do it anymore.  You won't see me posting here for a while.  Maybe I'll be back around Most Feared but idk.  I can't say anything good about the game and I realized it's just time to hang it up and accept it for what it is rather than try and change it.  It's miserable and I get no enjoyment from it.

If I don't start playing again around mid October I'll do a nice giveaway of 2m coins.  Just post your honest opinion of mut 20, good or bad, and don't mention the giveaway to be entered.  Any mention of the giveaway in your post will rule you out.  If I'm not back for most feared ill come back to do a dump truck giveaway and revive this post.

...til next time

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