I’m in a game of mut squads right now and the guys we got matched up with had a crazy good offense, so we’re up 10-0 in the third quarter and two of the three leave, the third guy started taking the entire clock to pick a play on defense and then my game wouldn’t let me pick a play so I had to take a delay of game and now we’re stuck looking at the crowd and it’s been stuck for like half and hour and the dude won’t leave... what am I supposed to do I can’t let this salty kid get a free win
I’m in a game of mut squads right now and the guys we got matched up with had a crazy good offense, so we’re up 10-0 in the third quarter and two of the three leave, the third guy started taking the entire clock to pick a play on defense and then my game wouldn’t let me pick a play so I had to take a delay of game and now we’re stuck looking at the crowd and it’s been stuck for like half and hour and the dude won’t leave... what am I supposed to do I can’t let this salty kid get a free win