Who are you planning to use it on? Curious to see what everyone else is planning. Personally I am leaning towards using it on Lawrence Taylor.
Snacks is the only right answer if you run a 3-4. That card is gonna be close to a mil for a while.
I’m using it on Jackson unless I get lucky and get him from HR. His 88 Pu is awesome on my Bears defense, can’t imagine what his full PU is like.
I think I'm gonna wait for new cards.. Eddie Jackson I wouldn't use it on due to the fact I believe Sean Taylor will be MUT10 = free 89 for training.
Slay, Blount & Haden have been holding it down for me to wanna use it on Trufant
& LT underperforms when I had him.
Quote from CorKov >> Quote from Jasonhunterx >> Desmond Trufant , 90 man 90 Zone
stats are great and he's a washington huskie so he's still on my list of options as well, but if he keeps dropping, might just buy him
This is why college theme teams should exist
Julio or Slay. I had D Hop and he is amazing, but I just can’t justify that much coin on him so I sold him and took the 70k loss. Julio is very similar and taller with great overall stats and he gets 89 speed on my team so he’s good enough to do it all
Quote from TraeSkywalker >> I used it on Eddie and he balls so much that I got rid of Dawkins
This is exactly what I did, really enjoying having Eddie on the team, slapped zone hawk on him
Quote from Coldbuckets2 >> Quote from BigMeanPossum >> What makes Eddie Jackson so popular? Trufant vs Gilmore: Who is better & why?
Trufant, but Brown is better than Trufant imo despite price. Unless you play exclusively man, I would look at the PU Slay. Fastest and 91 zone. Speed definitely matters in this and I think he will be usable for the longest time.
I'm thinking of using it on LT or Gilmore, but the problem with both is that I'd lose their X-factor, so might not be worth it.
Quote from BigMeanPossum >> What makes Eddie Jackson so popular? Trufant vs Gilmore: Who is better & why?
Trufant, but Brown is better than Trufant imo despite price. Unless you play exclusively man, I would look at the PU Slay. Fastest and 91 zone. Speed definitely matters in this and I think he will be usable for the longest time.
What makes Eddie Jackson so popular? Trufant vs Gilmore: Who is better & why?
Quote from tribe585 >> Quote from CorKov >> Who are you planning to use it on? Curious to see what everyone else is planning. Personally I am leaning towards using it on Lawrence Taylor.
It is not a 88-90 PU pass. It's a 89-90. There is also a 87-88 PU pass you can get level 55.
Not sure I get the point of this?
Yes, it's an 89-90 PU Pass....Lawrence Taylor for many people is sitting at 88 OVR and the card required to upgrade him is a 90 OVR....so an 89-90 PU pass is exactly what is required.
Who are you planning to use it on? Curious to see what everyone else is planning. Personally I am leaning towards using it on Lawrence Taylor.