I have Otto Graham powered up to a 90 and have pass lead elite as one of my abilities. It's one of those abilities that isn't always obvious when it goes into effect or not but I have noticed some issues that could be related to this ability.
Basically what happens is on certain routes where I pass lead it will say the pass is accurate but it ends up just outside of the WR's catch radius. For example, I'll throw a 10 yard out route and it will say the throw is accurate but it will be just too far outside for the WR to reach it or it will be 4 verticals and I'll try to lead it inside to the slot WR to beat the zone and the same kind of thing will happen.
Maybe this is something I am doing wrong or something that happens often for everyone but I thought I would ask the question just in case I'm on to something.
Sometimes you will miss throws,but I have it on elway and it’s one of the best abilities
I think it causes the ball to sail. I threw a lot of pics on posts and corners when I had this. Maybe once thp hits the mid to high 90s
It's too bad this appears to be an issue but it's good to see it isn't just me imagining things
I think once we get faster receivers with better MRR, that slight overthrow will be caught with RAC.
I took set feet lead off Kurt bc of this.
Fr somebody needs to address this..
I have Otto Graham powered up to a 90 and have pass lead elite as one of my abilities. It's one of those abilities that isn't always obvious when it goes into effect or not but I have noticed some issues that could be related to this ability.
Basically what happens is on certain routes where I pass lead it will say the pass is accurate but it ends up just outside of the WR's catch radius. For example, I'll throw a 10 yard out route and it will say the throw is accurate but it will be just too far outside for the WR to reach it or it will be 4 verticals and I'll try to lead it inside to the slot WR to beat the zone and the same kind of thing will happen.
Maybe this is something I am doing wrong or something that happens often for everyone but I thought I would ask the question just in case I'm on to something.