so i was never the type to save my trophies because I don’t play a crazy amount but with the double rewards this past week and these house rules I have enough to either get my first madden collectible or NAT Melvin..which should I go with? Does madden make a difference?
Madden all the way. He will help you long term. Gordon is good but there are alot of RB out there and more on the way. I doubt you will still have Gordon on your team come Christmas but Madden will still be boosting whoever you replace Gordon with.
Running backs at a dime a dozen. More and More will be getting dropped. Go with madden.
I was really considering Melvin.. but even powered up he is a 94 OVR. 95 is what you want for the ability thresholds, so I think I am going to hold out and finish up Madden..
Don’t waste trophies on Gordon this series. Fully upgrade your madden and just buy Bo and power him up.
You know I did a compare between the 93 Melvin and my PU 92 Sayers and Sayers looks better in 90% of the attributes. Gordon looks like another card with an inflated overall to me.
I’m prob just gonna skip madden this year. Don’t play enough plus COD is about to come out
Im in the same boat.. What does the first tier of madden even get you? Is there a way to see the tiers? How many madden tiers are there? DO the 2nd 3rd tiers cost more?
Im getting melvin when im there :) I dont play enough to get those madden collectibles. I will barely be able to get the melvin lol
I got melvin and I personally like him over sayers (fumble machine) but I also know I'll get enough trophies to finish up madden too soon enough.
If you have bo Allen or sayers pass on Gordon. Even if not I would pass with mut heroes coming soon. Coach madden is priority imo
Quote from Drew_412 >> Quote from Raz0r >> If you have sayers, Allen or bo, then go with madden if. If you don’t then go with Melvin. But even the baby bo is better than the 93 Melvin
While i dont have melvin, he looks really good. 89 speed, 95 juke, 90 stiff arm, good carry.... that PU bo is not better imo. Evasive>>>>
Ok, gale sayers is all around better and Marcus Allen is right next to him in stats while still being very cost effective, would you rather have +1 to ever stat on ever player or a few +1s on one player
Quote from Drew_412 >> Quote from Raz0r >> If you have sayers, Allen or bo, then go with madden if. If you don’t then go with Melvin. But even the baby bo is better than the 93 Melvin
While i dont have melvin, he looks really good. 89 speed, 95 juke, 90 stiff arm, good carry.... that PU bo is not better imo. Evasive>>>>
I'm not even a fan of Melvin Gordon but I'm heavily considering saving up for the nat master. Kinda wanna do Madden but simply don't have patience and this point in the game of rather use trophies for coins and continue to upgrade team since I maybe spend 10-20$ on Madden here and there
Quote from Raz0r >> If you have sayers, Allen or bo, then go with madden if. If you don’t then go with Melvin. But even the baby bo is better than the 93 Melvin
While i dont have melvin, he looks really good. 89 speed, 95 juke, 90 stiff arm, good carry.... that PU bo is not better imo. Evasive>>>>
so i was never the type to save my trophies because I don’t play a crazy amount but with the double rewards this past week and these house rules I have enough to either get my first madden collectible or NAT Melvin..which should I go with? Does madden make a difference?