
Got 1000 trohpies - Mel G or nah?

Not sure how I have 1000 trophies but I do.. is Melvin Gordon the move?

I'm not a runner (maybe 20-30% of the time).. currently have 89 baby bo and waiting for the Saquon upgrade.

Is Gordon worth the price tag? or should I just sit on my trophies


I would go with Madden.  Gordon is great but unless you run a chargers theme team he will not be on it in December.  Madden will boost your team the rest of the year until you quit MUT.


Quote from WizDragonXbox >> i would try for 2000 and sell M. Gordon for coin

 I second this. Especially if you're waiting for Zeke who will likely get an upgrade very soon.


Quote from mt1fins >> I have Gordon fully powered up. He’s terrific, as he should be. Having said that, I would always recommend getting the Madden upgrades instead.

 What chems and abilities do you run?


Worth it but only 4-5 carries and he’s tired bro


i would try for 2000 and sell M. Gordon for coin


I have Gordon fully powered up. He’s terrific, as he should be. Having said that, I would always recommend getting the Madden upgrades instead.


If you go that route may the odds be ever in your favor friend


I don’t know. I was just gonna use mine to gamble on TD packs tomorrow night lol


Quote from Robrules1 >> Mel B is life, Mel G is not #SpiceWorld

 if you wanna be my lover first u gotta be my friend


93 Melvin is worth the trophies.


Melvin runs behind 92 Bo for me and he’s the only other running back I’ve had that doesn’t make me switch to a pass when I read his name.


Mel B is life, Mel G is not #SpiceWorld


Not sure how I have 1000 trophies but I do.. is Melvin Gordon the move?

I'm not a runner (maybe 20-30% of the time).. currently have 89 baby bo and waiting for the Saquon upgrade.

Is Gordon worth the price tag? or should I just sit on my trophies