
Abilities and X factor- ANSWERS

Hey all,

There may be a thread like this already out there so I apologize in advance if there is. I see a lot of people asking questions about abilities and x factors. Below is my attempt to help answer questions that anyone may have. I hope this thread helps anyone who may need it!


Abilities and X Factors:

 1) What are abilities?

Abilities are added (by clicking the upgrade option on a card) to players on offense, defense and special teams. Once an ability is activated ( Please see question 5) it is used on that player during an entire game. 

2) Can all cards get an ability?

No- cards need to be at least an elite level or high to get an ability. Some cards require different tier thresholds.

3) Do any cards come with an ability?

Yes- "MUT Superstars" Cards come with abilities already added to the card. You do not have upgrade that card in order for it to receive an ability. However, if you put that MUT Superstar card into its Power Up card you will have to repurchase the ability.

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