
Is Saquon the exception or the norm?

So I just finished comparing the new Saquon to Gordon and holy shit is he on par. The only reason he's at a 91 is because they nerfed his awr and bcv by a lot, neither stats matter for hb's tho. I have the NAT Gordon already and find him better than Sayers and even this new Brown card (stats wise), but this Saquon really gives him a run for his money. I'm about to power up my Gordon, have the training and everything, but I'm wondering if we can expect more cards like Saquon within the next month and if Gordon will become a poor card within a month and a half? What do ya'll think? Say fuck it and power him up and enjoy him while it lasts (I mean I already bought the damn card), or see if Gordon gets caught up to quickly and doesn't make it to November?

Another thing I'm now thinking is even if better hb's come out, they probably won't be as easily attainable as Saquon..

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