Sell your card and play to make up the difference and buy him...sell some binder cards also
Sell Jim Brown and do some solos and boom. You got Troy Polamalu all by yourself.
Jim Brown is 95k
Troy P is 180k
You can easily grind solos or solo battles to get 100k more coins.
I got you homie
I was gonna do it but he has 4 posts lol
I hate that being a new user is killing me right now haha
I’m new to actually logging on, I usually come here for market trends and all...
I’ll trade you a 94 Jim Brown
Sell Jim brown. Do some solos. Buy Troy P.
Yeah just wish he was going for more than 90... gonna take forever since I did a ton of solos already
If this site has avatars and status again and I could see u weren't bronze I would. But I won't be checking back.nnfiz the site
He’s less than 200k right now my guy. That’s literally a week of solo battles and probably a few days of challenge grinding. Grind fam, I believe in you.
Lol yeah and can someone give me a million coins. I’m kinda low and want some!!!!
In b4 🔒
You need some? I got you
Spare a coin for an old beggar (not sure if you play Skyrim or not. If you don’t, this will have no meaning to you).
Anyone have an extra they could spare? I have a 94 Jim Brown that I could trade. Unfortunately it’s the only expensive card I have extra...