Mid Blitz/Press/bring both safeties in the box. User the safety that is manned on the RB. If the RB runs a route cover the route if not blitz that safety. If the RB is lined up directly behind the QB, line that safety up about 5 yards away from the center and he will go straight through the middle un touched. If you do this you should be able to easily hold them and get a sack pretty much every play which will negate the positive plays they do get. Did every end solo first try doing this.
BRO WHO ON MUTHEAD KNOWS ANYONE FROM EA. Im tired of this sh*** IK THERE ARE people in here that have contacts to EA. Pass the message that this game is TERRIBLE and the GAUNTLET is TERRIBLE
I honestly don't get the point of the guantlet anymore. You can get any of those players...and just bypass them with TPs. Why do the grind? (or am I missing something?)
the 3 Gauntlet games (last challenge on each level) are way harder than they need to be. I am just playing them for the sake of a challenge (not a mental breakdown after I keep blowing it...) and also to get a few freebies. If someone playing doesn't know about this forum (or others...) it would be really hard to beat some of these challenges. I really appreciate everyone's feedback and I look forward to trying the tips below.
Edited by Gitbizy
3-4 odd pinch buck 0 press shade outside. User MLB on HB. Bring safeties close to their assignments. GGs
When you run Mid Blitz, you have to user the safety that’s manned up on the RB to help out any routes. Usually it’ll be a short out to the TE or some type of in route.
Back yourself up to your own endzone. I've only done the first one but I had to have played 80-90% of the game inside my own 20 and they ended up with negative yards after all the sacks and tackles in the backfield. If they do break one they're only getting like 15 yards instead of 50 or worse.
Just get all of your rushing and passing tds first of all. After that get the safety. Run the ball back to your own half yard line to get the safety. One tip. In the first and third qtr you can be offsides and they will accept the penalty no matter what and the clock will continue to run after they accept. In the 2nd and fourth qtr just run the ball back inside your own ten yard line. They can't get offensive yards if there is no room to get yards. Hope this helps!
Edited by Wes669
Pinch buck 0 out of 3-4 Odd. Press, shade outside, user the LB or S that is manned up to the RB.
I can easily get the offensive achievements in both the Veteran and Legendary/top level, but I cannot hold the AI to under 100 yards let alone 75 yards on the top difficulty. I beat the lowest difficulty with about ~165 out of 175 yards allowed. I have tried mid-blitz, pinch buck, various goal line alignments, etc.
Mid blitz does not seem to be very consistent to me. I get a sack on MB maybe every 4th playcall.
The AI just seems to hit lucky runs or hits a pass here and there and it all adds up to >100.
Twice I have got to under 1:00 left in the 4th quarter only to have the AI break a big play on me and get me over 100.
My Defense is 96 but most of the players are 97-98-99 and even then they act dumb here and there and I get nibbled for yardage, enough to put me in a tight situation yardage wise in the second half.
Are you all mixing up your playcalls or calling the same play over and over?
I have 148 out of 150 points - both points are in the Gaultletting challenges, to get the max rewards in this category. Thanks for any help.