
QB choice: Vick, Warner, Aikman or other

So first some background: I've been using 90 overall PU Otto Graham for a while and I like him but prices have come down on some of these other QBs and I think their abilities could be very useful. On top of this, yesterday I finished the theme diamond collections to get Warner and pulled Vick in my WL rewards so it would be really easy to go with one of those. 

Looking at the abilities available, I see Warner and Aikman available if I want a pocket QB and those abilities or Vick(throw in maybe Luck or Young too) if I want a mobile QB. I think the pocket abilities actually look the best and although I don't scramble all the time, it certainly helps to have that option in my back pocket which Aikman and Warner don't provide. 

QB is very important so I'm willing to spend on the right guy but I don't have unlimited coins and don't want to spend on Warner for instance if Aikman is equal or better for cheaper. 

Comparing Warner and Aikman, the main advantages of Aikman I see are price (although he requires a PU so the gap isn't that big), THP and speed. For Warner I see TUP and the accuracy stats although I think the difference does not really matter due to thresholds but maybe I'm wrong.


So first some background: I've been using 90 overall PU Otto Graham for a while and I like him but prices have come down on some of these other QBs and I think their abilities could be very useful. On top of this, yesterday I finished the theme diamond collections to get Warner and pulled Vick in my WL rewards so it would be really easy to go with one of those. 

Looking at the abilities available, I see Warner and Aikman available if I want a pocket QB and those abilities or Vick(throw in maybe Luck or Young too) if I want a mobile QB. I think the pocket abilities actually look the best and although I don't scramble all the time, it certainly helps to have that option in my back pocket which Aikman and Warner don't provide. 

QB is very important so I'm willing to spend on the right guy but I don't have unlimited coins and don't want to spend on Warner for instance if Aikman is equal or better for cheaper. 

Comparing Warner and Aikman, the main advantages of Aikman I see are price (although he requires a PU so the gap isn't that big), THP and speed. For Warner I see TUP and the accuracy stats although I think the difference does not really matter due to thresholds but maybe I'm wrong.


Vick and don’t look back. I had Young and his release was trash!


I finally upgraded from 90 Vick to big boi Vick yesterday and won my first SB of mut20 shortly after 😎 not a coincidence. Vick is a money i switched some chems around for 30/30 GD and 20/40 Steelers passing he has 90 speed 96 throw power 86 short 86 Medium and 90 deep so he can meet all the throwing thresholds and don’t even get me started on how OP a 90 speed QB w escape artist is 😩😈


Vick is probably "the best". I haven't used full Vick, but have played against him many times and he's a great card. I personally hate left handed qb's though. Warner and Aikman are also both great though. If you don't scramble much, and don't have any desire to then they would be a great option.


Whoever you’re good with.


Go with warner or airman. Their easier to stop


vick is the best.  Hes such a weapon and forces the defense to spy him.  This opens up the run even more.


i vote aikman


Are team chems important to you? Remember Warner can get any team equipped. Aikmans card out of those is the most likely to lose a ton of value.


I use 94 Warner, as I have a 30/40 Rams team and Rams passing chem. I have used 93 Vick, but he gets too many fumbles. I am more of a pocket passer.