This is what mut should be.
You get fair shake, less bs, no chem and xfactors.
Its amazing how much you can win in this mode compared to mut h2h.
I figured match making was random on MUT Draft.
But I do remember red stars being tougher in 19 so I dunno.
I know like you could play your 6th game in draft, but the guy you facing will be his 1st.
I’m on 5 gold stars with 11 Super Bowls won once you get in the red stars that’s when you find all the cheese but this is my go to mode for trophies
I used to play this in previous years when I started playing MUT less (so my teams were weak) but still wanted some online competition. Got annoyed by how infrequently they update the player pool. It’d be February and they still wouldn’t even have the ultimate freeze players loaded in.
15k and you can pull off a few wins you get gold, packs, trophies. May be how i start building mut team like in 19.
Quote from Ginormous76 >> I would play this if it didn't cost coins.
Worst case scenario you get 9k and 8 silver players. One win and you get 13k and 8 players. If you really wanted to you could turn the silvers into a few thousand coins. Most of the times you’ll at least get your coins back
Quote from Ginormous76 >> I would play this if it didn't cost coins.
It doesn’t really cost that much, plus if you get 1 win you make back pretty much all your coins, and if you lose it only cost 6k
I didnt know they seperated mut draft by divisions.
Everyone is almost playing with the same pool of players. Cheese dont work as much in draft.
I’m not sure I agree with this. What division are you in? In the upper divisions people run some cheesy shit and you don’t have your guys to combat it unlike seasons. I love the idea though and still play it a lot, but there is a huge difference in the Lower and mid divisions compared to the upper divisions in mut draft (and salary cap) .
This is what mut should be.
You get fair shake, less bs, no chem and xfactors.
Its amazing how much you can win in this mode compared to mut h2h.