
UK Collectibles - Quicksell per Kraelo

Just passing along info..Not sure how many of you are on the same boat but I have a buncha UK collectibles that I never used and the sets were taken down so Kraelo addressed this on reddit.

Direct Quote On Thursday when the UK Challenges and UK Master Sets expire, I will follow up with the team to see when the remaining UK collectibles will get a QS value. He said WHEN and not if so I'm assuming it will happen.


Just passing along info..Not sure how many of you are on the same boat but I have a buncha UK collectibles that I never used and the sets were taken down so Kraelo addressed this on reddit.

Direct Quote On Thursday when the UK Challenges and UK Master Sets expire, I will follow up with the team to see when the remaining UK collectibles will get a QS value. He said WHEN and not if so I'm assuming it will happen.


Quote from bb0110 >> Quote from sjakkjonis >> Quote from Slammer4244 >> Been holding mine from Mut Rewards since we got them no way i was touching this promo with a 100 foot pole it was pure booty.


Quote from sjakkjonis >> Quote from Slammer4244 >> Been holding mine from Mut Rewards since we got them no way i was touching this promo with a 100 foot pole it was pure booty.

 It would be weird if they put a better qs value on these, than it was to complete the sets. I completed two of the sets and am holding on to the packs until one of the teams in them reaches 10 wins.


Quote from Dolphinator91 >> 100 coin quicksell incoming.



Quote from sjakkjonis >> Quote from Slammer4244 >> Been holding mine from Mut Rewards since we got them no way i was touching this promo with a 100 foot pole it was pure booty.

 It would be weird if they put a better qs value on these, than it was to complete the sets. I completed two of the sets and am holding on to the packs until one of the teams in them reaches 10 wins.


Quote from Slammer4244 >> Been holding mine from Mut Rewards since we got them no way i was touching this promo with a 100 foot pole it was pure booty.

 It would be weird if they put a better qs value on these, than it was to complete the sets. I completed two of the sets and am holding on to the packs until one of the teams in them reaches 10 wins.


Been holding mine from Mut Rewards since we got them no way i was touching this promo with a 100 foot pole it was pure booty.


100 coin quicksell incoming.


I've got a few thanks


Quote from TomBradyLuvsThePats >> i hope its trophies

 That would be epic


Thx op... Iā€™m sitting on quite a few.. 30-40 or so


I'm guessing 1k or 1,5k coins each


Should I do solos for the collectables today?


Quote from CorKov >> hope it's a decent value, but anything works just to get em out of my binder 

 Yep, wish they'd do the same thing with the extra Pat Tillman tokens. 

(Because they provided two different ways to power him up, for those that don't play online games...I have extra copies of his border, ability 92 OVR, 95 OVR, etc....tokens that I can't do anything with)


hope it's a decent value, but anything works just to get em out of my binder




Farm the solos? šŸ˜© šŸ˜© šŸ˜©


Finally lol!  Thanks 4 the update šŸ˜‰šŸ‘